Not Him, Then Who?

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2012 was the year this happened. My daughter was in the bathroom with the door opened doing her make-up and I was in the kitchen making lunch. My daughter's boyfriend was in the bedroom doing something and I remember my son in law coming into the kitchen and going to the back of the house where the bathroom was and asked my daughter something. As he came through the kitchen I asked him if he could throw the trash out, he said sure.

After I was finished with lunch, I had went to my room, (that was at the opposite side of the house.) I remember coming out of my room and headed towards the bathroom and on the way I asked my son in law if he had gotten the trash out. He said he was getting his shoes on.

My daughter was standing at the back door looking out, and the rest room is right there next to it, and she is just staring out the door. It looked like she was waiting or looking for someone, and I asked her who she was looking at? She replied and said that she was waiting for Pat. I said, "Why? He is getting his shoes on so he can throw out the trash." She said, "no, I just seen him walk out the back door." I said to her, "I just seen him in the room."

She told me that she was standing there and she seen him go past the bathroom and she looked at him and he looked at her and went out the back door. She was looking out the window of the door, thinking, he should of already been back. Here he comes from the kitchen with the bag of trash, going out the door. My daughter looks at me and gets freaked out and was serious when she said the he had already threw the trash out.

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