No One Believes

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I am an Indian, of course I have been much interested in ghost stories, even I was once visiting my village for my summer vacation only to hear ghost stories from my grandmother. I will be sharing some of the experience of my family members.

My grandmother's experience...

My used to earn money by collecting woods from the forest and selling it. Since most villagers do that to earn, she thought of going into early mornings maybe 2am or so. You know most things are there which cannot be explained by the science. At the time when she arrives in the forest most of the time she could see people hanged in the bark of the trees, first shocked and fainted. And of course she did not hear any news about people hanging in the forest. Which made her to be at rest for 3 months. She said the people were looking almost real. Also she reported the first time seeing these type of things was worst and it became usual as she was used to it (kind freaky for me).

My father's experience...

This happened when my father was working in an building construction in bangalore 17 years ago. He said when he was sleeping at the basement of the building. He heard the door knocked, and called his name twice. He then got up and followed the voice, he also said to me that he was not fully aware of what's happening around and was just following the voice. He said the voice led him to an lake, he was just following. Suddenly the night guards (gurka's) saw him and saved him. It took him about 2-4hrs to come back to normal state and was still in an confusion of what happened. And after inquiries he came to know that, a man from an nearby village suicided in the lake.

Something about myself...

When I was at 10th standard, I had an road accident got fractured my legs and hospitalised. My mother was looking after me at night. One day when I woke up at night and wanted to go to washroom, I tried to woke my mother up but she was fast asleep too, so I managed to go to washroom alone. When I was about to my wash my hands in the washroom. At the mirror I was horrified to see my deceased grandfather (died by falling in the well) and my uncle (died in an train accident). It looks like both of them followed me to the washroom. I could see them not more than an minute and ran to the ward and cried, shouted and said everything to my mother.

I shared everything with my friends and everyone just said you are joking and nothing more!

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