A Terrible Night With Ouija

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To set the scene, it was early JAN 2012 and I was hanging out with 5 of my military buddies; Kenny, James, Dino, Warren and Milton. I was celebrating the fact I was finally leaving operational duty and getting stationed closer to home.

We had a few beers in my barracks room and Kenny asked if we could use my Ouija board. I knew how to use one, well mostly, and said sure. I brought it out from my closet and set it up on a makeshift table.

I told them in order to use it, you have to take it seriously and DO NOT JOKE. Of course, no one listened and we went on with the board. I started to pray to St. Michael for protection and Milton laughed stating, "I don't believe in God and this thing won't work". A very large mistake on his part.

Me: Is there anyone here with us tonight?

Spirit: Yes

Me: Is it just you?

Spirit: Yes

Me: Are you a good or evil spirit?

Spirit: No

Me: (with a more stern and serious tone) Spirit, are you good or evil?

Spirit: It responded "good" with no hesitation (I started to get an uneasy feeling, but I went with it.)

Me: What is your name?

Spirit: It spelt MILTON.

At this point, everyone thought my friend Milton was joking around but he had the look of intrigue on his face. He then asked if he could communicate with the spirit and I obliged.

M: Are you related to me?

Spirit: Yes

M: Are you my grandfather?

Spirit: Yes

M: Why are you here?

The planchette began to move rapidly in a circle on the board and immediate stopped in front of Milton. My friends were scared at this point and I had a feeling of nausea and dread come over me. I knew it was an evil spirit and immediately took over the board.

Me: Goodbye spirit, we no longer wish to talk to you.

Spirit: Immediately moved to no.

Me: Leave spirit!

Spirit: Goodbye.

The sense of nausea and dread lifted from the room and everyone seemed fine. We then decided to contact another spirit and see where it would take us. I was about to start when Milton decided to ask the questions.

Milton: Is anyone here with us?

Spirit: Moved to yes and said H-E-L-L-O.

Milton: What is your name?

Spirit: L-O-C, then it moved to the center of the board and stopped pointing at Milton.

Milton: Are you an evil spirit?

Spirit: Yes, and it started to spell its name again over and over.

Milton: Who are you?!?!

Spirit: L-O-C repeated over and over.

Milton: Goodbye spirit.

Spirit: No

Milton then jumped up from his seat and yelled, "Holy S*&t!". He ran out of my barracks room and we chased after him. He said he felt someone touch him and it felt like a red hot poker. We checked him out and he didn't have any marks or burns, etc... We put the board away and had a drink or two. We calmed down and started to relax but Milton started to act different. He had no emotion on his face and his eyes were blank. He then tried to get the Ouija board and I stopped him. This is where everything went bad.

Milton forced me to the wall and in that moment, he looked as he just killed a man. I was terrified because I knew that it wasn't Milton doing this. Out of an unknown thought, I grabbed my cross from around my neck and placed it on his head. I began to pray to the four archangels and Milton's body went limp. He hit the ground and didn't even as much as whimper. After several seconds, he woke up screaming and crying asking if we drugged him. At this point, my buddies were scared out of their minds and couldn't explain what happened. After we got Milton to calm down, we told him what happened and he was at a loss of words. After that happened, I felt physically and mentally drained. I was, in terms, dead tired for about 3 days after that happened.

From what I know, nothing has happened to Milton since then and he is a firm believer in God. After talking this over with my pastor and one of my close friends who has had similar experiences, they believe the shadow being that has been following may have influenced Milton. What are all your thoughts on this?

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