I Want To Call It "Him"

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I just wanted to share some things that have been going on my house with people that I knew would appreciate it. Before I start let me give you some background info. My family and I live in a very Historic Town in Central Virginia called Fredericksburg. It's really big on all of the civil war battles that happened in this area. We have lived here for over 10 years, and we've done some research on our property, although it was not a battlefield, soldiers from both sides camped out on our land on several different occasions. I believe that most of what goes on is due to poltergeist activity and not actual haunting's, but we have seen apparitions from time to time. Also, the people who owned the house before us, (the first owners) fought all the time and eventually got divorced, they left a lot of negative energy behind them when they left. Well, I have 10 years worth of experiences, but I'll try to highlight the main ones.

When we first moved in my dog refused to go in the basement, she barks and growls at the basement door at random times. One day when she was doing this, we heard a huge bang down there, it sounded like someone was throwing all of our unpacked boxes around, but when we went to investigate everything was as it should be. My dog won't go down there unless we make her, she terrified of it. The scary part about my dog barking is she's an Australian bark less dog, she never ever barks!

My mom is very musical, and she has a lot of instruments on our first floor. We hear her playing a lot when she isn't home. We've chalked it up to the walls releasing noise that they have absorbed but NEVER does it when she is around. Also the toilet in her bedroom will flush by itself when no one is up there.

Now comes the really creepy stuff... Our first floor is very open with the kitchen dining room and rec room just flowing into one another. One night we were watching TV and 2 lamps that hang on the wall in our breakfast nook flew off the wall. They didn't fall, it as if they were thrown, the cords were even yanked out of the wall. No one was in the kitchen but several people saw it happen.

One night a few months ago we were woken up in the middle of the night by all of our fire alarms going off. There was no fire, and the alarms we had didn't have a Carbon Monoxide tester. The batteries didn't need to be replaced either. After unhooking all of them from the wall and removing the batteries the alarms were still going strong. We had to wrap them in blankets and hide them in a closet in our basement so that we could go back to sleep.

My sister has seen a man in grey coat with only one arm walk through our backyard and then vanish at the property line, and when my nephew was 2, we were all in the back yard and he asked us why there was a man buried back there. When we asked him more questions about it he refused to answer, and started playing again.

One time when I was about 16, my mom and I were in the foyer fighting, full out screaming at each other, I don't even remember what it was about now. The chandelier above us started swinging back and forth really hard and 2 bulbs burst.

I have felt and seen an oppressive black shadowy figure in my room. I could move and speak when I saw it, but it frightened me so much that I didn't sleep in there until I put up protective measures. One if those measures I read about a while ago: You get glass orbs and paint the inside silver while whispering blessings over it. You then hang the orbs by every entrance to your room or home and they block out evil spirits. This actually worked until about a year ago... I felt the presence again and had to sleep on the couch, the next day when I went into my room the mounting and wires for the orbs were there but all of the orbs were missing. I never found them, they were just gone. I haven't been able to sleep in there much since, I stay at my boyfriend's or I sleep on the couch. The few times that I have stayed in there I have been plagued by horrible nightmares.

The only part that frightens me is the thing in my room. I will be completely awake when I see him. For some reason I keep wanting to call it 'him.' I don't know if most of this is poltergeist activity that my mom, my sisters, and I have created with our own energy but I know some of it we can't possibly be doing.

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