NorthCoastie: 2 Experiences On The Same Say

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absolutely had to share this ASAP as I had probably the most paranormal day of my life, all today in broad daylight within a matter of two hours.

As I said in earlier posts, I work for an insurance company doing inspections/investigations at buildings / houses where people have submitted claims for damages. Today, I was headed to a claim east of New Castle, PA... Where the famous Hill View Manor is located. I drove past Hill View Manor on my way to an appointment.

It was absolutely pouring, and as I passed Hill View, I caught a glimpse of a man leaning up against the building smoking a cigarette (or so he appeared). He caught my attention because at first glance I thought he was in a Civil War uniform... Dark blue jacket, light blue pants, and was wearing a dark blue hat. This is why I bothered to look (he was not actually dressed as a Civil War soldier, just was wearing similarly colored clothes when I paid more attention). I also thought it was strange that he's out in the pouring rain leisurely leaning up against the building. I saw this at a distance of about 100 yards, which is from the road to the building. I looked ahead to the road again since I was driving, and glanced back... He was gone. Nowhere in site. I drove past again later and drove slowly by to scope out the site. There was no door to go into at that part of the building he was standing by. It is easily 30 feet in either direction to a corner of the part of the building he was standing by... No bushes to hide in around... Gone. Broad daylight too. I wasn't thinking about ghosts or anything, just driving by going about my way, and only noticed this guy because how he was dressed. He totally disappeared in a matter of 2 seconds, and I watched him for about 3-5 seconds - enough time to get the above description of how he was dressed, his body language, etc.

So, after I saw this guy at Hill View, I get to my inspection. I meet a property manager at a bank-owned (foreclosed) house. This has been abandoned for about 2 years, and was a complete and total mess inside. I was there because on a monthly inspection the property manager found someone stole the copper out of the house. We're going through the house, and I enter a room when a voice says, loudly "Let's play!" I'm already on edge, as I've come across all sorts of dangerous things in abandoned houses, and jump back, nearly knocking over the guy I'm inspecting with.

I notice the floor is covered in dolls and child's toys, so obviously this voice came from one of them... But the floor is also covered in water from snow melting into the house through roof damage, and as I said, its been 2 years since anybody has lived there. It is pretty impressive that the toy didn't short out from the water, or the batteries didn't go dead. So we have a laugh about it, and go about our business. I go back into the room about 10 minutes later, and the same voice says, "I want to be your best friend!" Ok... The thing didn't say a thing for the first half hour we were there... It only spoke those two times, both times when I entered the room. I don't know if there are motion-activated talking dolls or not out there, but this seriously creeped us both out.

Now here's where it gets even crazier. I'm in the attic of the house getting pictures, and the property manager comes up the steps. He about jumps out of his skin when he sees me. He tells me I scared him... That he thought I was in the basement. He swears he was in the kitchen taking pictures and caught a glimpse of me walking down the basement steps. He said he even heard me walking down the steps. He immediately went upstairs, and there I was. The house was secure when we got there and there were no signs of squatters or anyone else there. That about did us in and we finished up and left.

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