One Last Trick?

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I thought I would share a story that, although was frightening at the time, brings me peace now:)

On November 15 2009, my uncle passed away from a brain tumor. He was very young and left a wife and two young daughters behind. Naturally we were all devastated.

At the time of his passing my family and I were living on a cattle station in Northern Western Australia. My uncle lived and died in Queensland (on the other side of the country). My mother, brother and myself flew over immediately to help my mum's sister (my uncle's widow) plan for his funeral.

We flew from Darwin, Northern Territory at 1:00am and arrived at 6:30am. We were exhausted and fell asleep as soon as we got back to my aunty's. I woke up at 12:00pm and went to the bathroom to have a shower.

Now a quick dash back in time. Bear with me, guys. It will make sense later on!

When ever my family would go to visit my Aunty, Uncle and two cousins we would constantly play jokes on each other... One of my uncle's favorites was opening the door to the bathroom when someone was in the shower, reaching his hand through the little gap and turning off the light (the shower was on the opposite side of the door).

Anyway back to 2009... So I was having a shower, thinking about the last time I was in this house with my uncle and how much I wish I could have seen him one last time... When the light turned off... I snapped to attention and reefed the shower curtain open to find a locked door (just as I had left it) and a flicked light switch.

I would like to say that I was calm and felt at peace and held myself together but truth be told... I ran down the hallway butt naked screaming and crying... My mother came in as soon as she heard my screams. When I told her what happened she smiled with her eyes full of tears and hugged me. When I told my aunty she laughed and told me that the same thing had been happening in her bathroom since his passing...

Nothing has happened since my experience that I know of. But he had to play one more trick:)

Rest in Peace, Uncle Darryl xoxo

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