Demon In The Dark

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I have shared my story many times, some people believe me, but many just feel its a great scary story. This is by far my first paranormal experience but this is the one that still scares me to this day. Forgive me if it sounds long winded but I feel that the details helps understanding.

I had just left my boyfriend! He decided one day to try and choke me up against a wall in our apartment. I managed to hit him along side of his head with a cordless phone to get away and after the police took him to jail, I packed my things and called my best friend.

My best friend just got married and wanted to move his wife to Arizona. I figured I could use a trip away so packed a few of my items (stored the rest with my mom) and told my friend I would move him to AZ, stay a little while myself, then go back home to Michigan.

The trip was great. We got to the apartment my friend (let's call him Chad for identity purposes) was going to share with a couple of his old college buddies. I was offered the couch as I was only planning to stay a week at most. Two days into being there though I became extremely ill (we will eventually find out that I had gal bladder problems) and I was forced to stay in AZ for several months, unable to move, constantly throwing up, and attending doctors appointments.

Somehow (must have been the grace of God) I met a guy during one of my feel good days. He took care of me, I stayed at his house when he wasn't on base (military man). There were a few nights and days I stayed at Chad's apartment, though I never felt welcome by one of the roommates. He would yell at me for not cooking or cleaning though clearly I was too sick to even leave the couch, or was in so much pain I was crying. He was the reason my boyfriend would pick me up after his shift at 3:00 AM to sleep at his place.

The night a day or two before I was going in for surgery, I was waiting for my boyfriend and decided to stay up and watch TV. I started to get a creepy feeling from something and I couldn't help but turn my direction towards the door and saw a small shadow. It's really hard to explain the layout of the apartment but there is no way a shadow could be cast on the door in the area the shadow I saw was in. I decided to watch the shadow, it seemed to grow bigger and then it started to slither towards where I was laying on the couch. The thing was black and had no distinguishing features besides I saw clawed hands and feet and the head, which had dull sockets where eyes should be. I looked right at me and told me to GET OUT! I felt that if I didn't, this thing would do everything it could to harm me. I have no clue what came over me but I said NO! Then instantly called my boyfriend and told him that I will be staying where I am that night.

The next day I asked Chad to take a walk with me. It took me several attempts to get out about what I saw. I was afraid that he would laugh at me, but he didn't. He told me that he saw the same thing and that it was attached to the roommate that was hostile towards me, that what I now feel was a demon, was threatened by me and caused the roommate to be mean.

That day while the roommate was out, the four of us (left in the house) blessed the whole apartment, anointing the doors and windows and putting a blessed cloth under the roommate's pillow. When he came home you could see a slight struggle of him almost debating to enter the house, but once he came in you could see a difference in him immediately. I stayed that night at the apartment and I saw through one of the windows the demon latched on the window starting at me angry.

I didn't stay in AZ much longer than that but years down the road the roommate apologized to me and he too admitted that he felt as if something evil had attached itself to him.

I am sorry again for how long winded this is. I just don't want to feel alone on such a scary part of my life. If anyone tells me there house has a demon in it, I avoid it at all costs, though I'm ok with ghosts. Demons are something I don't know I can face again.

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