LADYKNIGHT: The Girl In The Office

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This incident happened 3 weeks ago. Just a little background about the office, it is in a publishing house. Most people stays until 6PM but if you have a flexible time, you can stay until 8PM. People who stays beyond six confirmed the existence of entities here in the office. They claim hearing taps on the keyboard, scratches on the tables, footsteps, and dropping things. The editor before me claimed that he always see a silhouette of a woman in our manager's cubicle. I believe him because even I can see that. Every name in this story would not be real to protect their privacy.

One ordinary Thursday around 7:30AM, I passed by my manager's cubicle to say "good morning." I saw the silhouette in my peripheral vision but I said the same greeting anyway. That was when I know that Mina was not there. Then I went to my cubicle to turn on my computer. Just then, my co-worker Trisha stood up. I called her attention and she asked me if Mina arrived. I said no and she said she saw someone sitting on Mina's chair. We looked at each other and laughed. That was a usual thing for Trisha and I. Few minutes passed and another co-worker arrived, Candy. She passed by Mina's cubicle and greeted without really looking at the cubicle.

Few more minutes passed and Candy stood up to talk to Mina. Only then did she realize that Mina was absent. She shouted in fear because she said that she saw Mina in the cubicle just as she passed. Trisha and I said that Mina was absent and that we were just talking about seeing Mina when she's not really there. Then things went normally that morning.

At 2PM, Tony, a co-worker, approached us to ask where Mina is. We said she was absent and he was surprised. He said that he was wondering why Mina sent him a message in Facebook to ask if the other manager was there when Mina can look for her instead. Then Tony said that he was wondering because he saw Mina that morning. Then we told him the story and the events that happened earlier that day.

The other manager that Tony was talking about was Irish. Irish stood up and called Tony. She said that that morning, she heard Mina's voice as if she was talking to someone from our group. Then we said that Mina was absent. Now, everybody in our unit feels the chill and the eerie feeling.

Then things went normally that afternoon until a deaf co-worker shared another incident that happened that morning. Amber said that she saw Mina that morning. She said that Mina was smiling at her at the corridor. And when we said that Mina was absent, her eyes grew big in surprise!

The next morning, we told Mina about the incidents that happened while she was away. She was so scared. Then a week after that day, her grandmother died.

I really don't know if the incident has something to do with her grandma's passing but I believe it's a message about something. Then she told us that if the same thing happened in the office again, we should tell her immediately.

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