Why Me?

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I'm 15-years-old. Since I was 7 or 8 I've seen things. I've always had a thing for the paranormal since I was little. Me and my grandmother would watch those ghost documentaries and ghost hunter shows when she baby sat me, and some believe that may be the reason why all of this has happened to me.

One night it really happened. I was asleep in my bedroom and my bedroom door was wide opened because I enjoyed sleeping that way. It gave me better access to get to my parents' room if I ever woke up and couldn't sleep or had nightmares.

Well, that night I woke up and turned over to see a woman in the doorway. She had on a long robe or something along those lines. She just stared at me, and then she opened up the robe and brought out a small child, a boy. He looked to be about my age back then or younger. She put her hand on his head and sort of began tapping her fingers on him. Why, I don't know.

Then I woke up a few years later to someone calling my name in the living room, where I was sleeping at the time. When I opened my eyes, I saw the outline of a lady who looked just like my mother, but instead of coming to me she turned around and walked outside. The door to the back yard literally opened and then shut.

I was terrified, but I did decide to sleep in there again a few nights later only to be woken up again by my name being called, but this time no lady.

Since then I usually won't sleep in there. Not alone. It went from being those small things that happened to me when I was alone, to expanding and happening to me when I was with a friend. But only one friend.

One night that friend came over and my parents left us alone while they went on an anniversary date. This was just a few years back. Well, my parents' bathroom has a separate tub and shower, so we were going to get that done together so we had more time to play and do what little kids do. But before then, I went around the house and shut all of the bedroom doors and turned out all of the lights. I then locked the doors and went to the bedroom and brought all of our pets into the bedroom with us. We had 3 cats and a dog.

I was the last in the room, and the first out. When I opened the door what I saw terrified me so badly that I slammed the door and relocked it and began to try and decide on whether or not I should call the police. All of my bedroom doors had been opened and the lights turned back on. At the time I thought someone broke in. But after a few minutes of me and my friend hiding in the closet and hearing nothing and calling my parents who were rushing home, we decided to go out and look around. There was nothing taken, and the doors were still shut and bolted from the inside. No windows touched. No one had broken in.

After that, I heard my name called, everywhere I went. It got to the point to where I even heard it at school. One day I just couldn't take anymore, and when I got off the bus I refused to go inside my home until my parents got off work. I was hysterical, screaming and crying. My mom rushed home and, unsure of what to do, ran inside and just started screaming. She was yelling and telling whatever it was to leave me alone and to go away. She then loaded me into the car and drove me to our church where the pastor talked to me and we chatted about what was going on. He believed it was demonic. He advised me to show it I wasn't afraid because that's what it fed on.

So for a while I did. For a while things stopped, but lately it feels like they're going to start up again. And I'm scared. I just need answers as to why me. I don't know the history of my home, and my parents refuse to tell me. My father still doesn't believe the things that happened to me, and my mother tells me that it's nothing I should have to worry or care about. But whatever is going on is centered around me and my bedroom.

I may need to mention that I'm also the youngest in my family. Many other things have happened. Much, much more. But these are the main things.

I should also mention that I have 2 more dogs now, and one of them has been with me longer than the other, my larger dog. She reacts to things. I got her around when I was 12, and the first night she came into my room, around bedtime she started staring at the floor and growling. Her eyes wondered all over the floor and then traveled up the wall and into a corner of my ceiling. Her growling never stopped and since then, she sometimes acts strange at night. And sometimes won't go in certain rooms, like my bathroom, or my closet.

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