Staircase Doll

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This happened quite a while ago so bear in mind I would be young.

Me and my brother used to share a room when we were little and what used to be the study is now my room. Me and my brother would share toys and play with them and sometimes read each other stories. One of my favourite toys from my childhood was a little rag doll which I didn't really name, it was just Ragdoll. When I began to grow up I placed the doll on a shelf above my brother's bed so that I could see it. I began to notice the doll's head turning to watch me as I moved about the room. I wasn't upset at all until I moved out into my own room.

I began to find Ragdoll unnerving, though there was an air of happiness and calming about it, I didn't like the look of it's face and when I got closer to one of my other toys, her smile almost became malicious and my things went missing and my toys would have been cut or ripped, there was a seahorse soft toy that I went to find and it was on my bed, with Ragdoll on a shelf looking at it, the seahorse has a big cut on it's throat and all it's stuffing was coming out, I did get my mother to fix it for me but I wanted to get rid of Ragdoll.

So one day we were having a massive clearout and my father was putting things in the attic. I got Ragdoll and said: "You are being naughty so me and Daddy are going to put you in the attic until you're nice." So my Dad did.

Shortly afterwards I could hear footsteps moving about the attic and stomping and tapping about.

A few years ago me and my brother went up into the attic to look for the old board games we used to play with. And we found Ragdoll hiding in the furthest corner of the attic and we didn't know how she got there so we just left her and went back downstairs with the board games.

When we put the board games in the conservatory Ragdoll was in there, sitting on the shelf! I put the games on the shelf and ran for it. I double locked the door (it has two locks but we usually just use one).

After that I began to notice Ragdoll moving about the home, in cupboards in the living room, sat on the chairs. I did ask her to stop but she just ignored it. But she wasn't able to go upstairs and access any of the bedrooms or the bathroom. The reason the experience is called Staircase Doll is because sometimes she would just sit at the bottom of the stairs, looking up with that same malicious smile, like she was waiting. I have tried to put a 'block' on the stairs so she couldn't sit there but nothing worked.

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