Mystery Solved: Ghost That Wasn't

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I have personally had this experience a few years ago. I was encouraged by a few of my buddies on this site to submit this as a story, when they read it on the comments section of another story. So this story is dedicated to them.

It was a the end of summer and monsoon was approaching. I was alone in my home and I was busy with my textbooks in our living room sitting on the couch comfortably. It was cooler than usual and I had no need to put the ceiling fan on. The TV was not on. Our house is also far away from the hustle and bustle of the main roads, in the interiors, inside a private secluded colony. So, everything was on the quiet side. I was engrossed in my work.

Suddenly, my ears picked up a faint sound which sounded similar to the tinkling of anklets which is traditionally worn by women. I listened for some time, and then didn't bother because I thought somebody might be out for a walk and was passing by our house.

I got busy again with my books. But my ears were not ready to give up. I was still hearing those anklets!

Since it was getting on my nerves, I decided to investigate. I got up, looked out through the huge windows of our living room on the ground-floor,on to the street in front of our house. No one. Strange!

I went out through the front door, circled the perimeter of our enclosed compound with a flashlight in hand. No results again! Now I was feeling fear coursing through my spine! Still, I manned up, and went outside our main gate, circled the compound wall from the outside shining the light in every direction. Still no sign of anyone!

I suddenly realised, that all this time, I never even once did hear the anklets!

I ran back inside, shutting the main gate behind me and also locking the front door as I finally entered the safety of my home, or so I thought. I was, by then, sweating profusely. I gulped down a tumbler/glass full water and cautiously sat down again to resume my studies, albeit praying. No sooner had I opened the book, again it started. And this time it seemed nearer! It seemed to be coming from inside the enclosed garden, just outside the front door!

This time I was part angry at whatever was making that noise, besides being scared. So, I switched on my stealth mode (o ya... Had a built in stealth mode before I became this fat panda), and tiptoed to the garden after unlocking the front door as silently as I could. Curiously, and to my credit, the one with the anklets was still sounding them. But what amazed me most and scared me in the next moment that this thought that came to my mind; the sound was static!... It was coming from one place although it sounded like someone was wearing anklets and walking!

As I aggressed towards the intruder (ess), I discovered that the tinkling sound was coming from the direction of a certain bush. Now mind you, it had already grown dark all around and sunlight had been wiped out. Helped by whatever light was streaming out through our living room windows, I cautiously tiptoed towards the bush keeping my eyes fixed on it. The anklets were still sounding!

My heart was racing now. I was just about ready to see something, anything supernatural, and all those traditional stories and legends that I heard about anklet wearing otherworldly dames made matters much worse.

When I found myself close enough, yet safely far enough by my own measures, I strained my eyes to find out what could 'it' be and where exactly on, in or beside the bush was 'it'. Didn't see anything, still was hearing 'it'!

Somehow,I managed to flash the torchlight, still held in my hands, at the bush in a desperate last attempt. That's when I saw it.

I did not immediately realise what I was seeing, as the sound had stopped immediately as I had shone the light. I didn't want to turn off the flashlight, and as I had grown more curious, I cupped the flashlight letting only a faint glow out, filtered through my fingers. As soon as I did that, the sound recurred. This time I removed my cupped fingers quickly and the focus was directly on the bush. And I found my anklet wearing maiden!

This time when the light fell on the bush, the sound took a little more than a second more to stop. As if someone wearing the anklet took a step, stopped and retraced that step. For that fraction of a second I had kept my eyes peeled on the suspect whom I had seen in the bush, and it really turned out to be the culprit.

A CRICKET. A cricket no bigger than my thumb was sitting on one of the branches of the bush. It was still rubbing its hind legs when I quickly shone the light. That rubbing was creating the anklet wearing ghost. The clear and perfect sound of anklets started resonating again as soon as I switched the flashlight off. I turn the light on, or walk closer, it stops. I move away and turn away the light, somebody again walks wearing anklets. Huh~!

Heaving a sigh of relief, hanging my head in shame, I returned to my unfinished business.

Another lesson learned, outside of the books.

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