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Peter Benjamin Parker was never normal

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Peter Benjamin Parker was never normal. Ever since the day he was born with two X chromosomes, yet still felt like a boy, he was abnormal. Then when he was thirteen and bitten by that stupid radioactive spider. Then he had to come out a school, which was unbearable because of an asshole nicknamed 'Flash.' Said asshole placing the name 'Penis Parker' upon Peter. At least there was one thing some of the kids wouldn't touch with a ten foot poll. His late mother and uncle. But his deadbeat, run-away dad and disgusting sexual comments towards his amazing Aunt May. At least he still has some friends, Ned and MJ.

Ned knew of his powers ever since he caught him climbing on his ceiling with his homemade, shitty Spiderman outfit. MJ just thinks her two friends are, in her words, 'absolutely fucking insane weirdos' and weirdly never questioned anything. Peter's sometimes suspicious before he remembers, she just probably doesn't care.

"Dumbass. Fuck wad. Idiot. Douche nozzle. Peter. Parker. Peter Benjamin Parker, talk to me." A hand connected with the back of his head.

Peter snapped out of his daze, immediately glaring at MJ. "What the hell, MJ?"

"You wouldn't talk to me and I don't like being ignored," the taller girl smirked, hopping over the bench. "So, whatcha thinking 'bout?"


"You thinking about hot girl Liz again?" MJ smirked, eyes flittering with mischief.

Though Liz does often cross the sophomore's mind, it was actually not thinking of the beautiful senior. He was thinking about his deadbeat father again. Ever since his fifteenth birthday, he's been asking more questions about him. Peter knew his dad was alive, he didn't quite know who or where he is... but he must be out there somewhere, right?

"He's doing it again," Ned whispered loudly to MJ. Peter flushed, focusing back in on the conversation.

"Sorry, guys. I'm a bit out of it today."

MJ snorted, "We can tell."

Peter kicked her shin under the lunch table, making her yelp and punch him.

"I'm just thinking about my dad..."

MJ rolled her eyes. "You're dad's a cunt."

"Michelle! You don't know that!" Peter huffed angrily.

"Oh, yeah. Your mom just conveniently didn't tell your douchebag dad you were a thing. It's not like he just abandoned you."

"Can we just drop it! It doesn't matter, I'm never gonna meet him anyways!" Peter snapped, standing up to leave.

"Peter-"  Ned tried to start, but Peter already stormed away.

After school, Peter still ended up walking home with his annoying friend. Every time the train car rumbled or jumped, either him or MJ would try to shove the other down, giggling wildly. No matter how annoying she got, Peter couldn't imagine life without MJ. They became friends once Peter first came out and was called a rude slur before MJ kicked the guy in the nuts.

The train eventually shuddered to a stop, a group of people stumbling and shoving out, MJ and Peter included. MJ held tight onto the hood of Peter to make sure the smaller boy from falling over from all the harsh shoving. As little as she wants to admit it, MJ is definitely the parent of the group.

"Be careful, you fucking nerd."

Peter elbowed her, making her punch his arm. MJ's eyebrows furrowed as she sniffed the air. "Pete? Do you smell smoke?"

Peter's eyes widened as he inhaled deeply. "Yeah."

"Isn't that the direction of your apartment?"

Peter's heart stopped. "Oh... oh my god."

Peter sprinted towards the buildings, shoving through the annoying crowds. He could hear MJ screaming his name from behind but he didn't care. His aunt was in there. She was weak since she caught the flu. He has to safe her.

He eventually reached the towering building, and it seemed as if all of his hopes and dreams crowded up in his throat and blocked his airway. The lack of oxygen clearly cut off his rational thinking considering he decided to run right into the flaming building. He sprinted up six flights of stairs, smoke starting to crawl its way into Peter's lungs. He started coughing harshly, slamming open his apartment door. His vision started burring once he saw Aunt May. And he passed out once he grabbed her hand.


An annoying beeping rung in Peter's ears. Quiet murmuring woke Peter from his not-so-peaceful nap. He cracked open his eyes, only to be blinded by harsh, white light. ]

"Peter? MJ, he's awake!" Ned yelled. Peter groaned.

"Ned. Quiet down. I'm trying to sleep," he whined quietly, rubbing his eyes.

"Pete, you've been sleeping for two weeks."

"What?!" Peter tried to jump up, but MJ was pushing his shoulders down.

"If you weren't hurt, I'd punch the shit out of you right now," she threatened, a worried expression still plastered on her face. "You're an idiot, Parker!"

"MJ, chill out, he doesn't need to get his heart-"

"No, I won't 'chill out,' Ned, Peter ran into a burning building and almost died!"

Peter choked on his own air. "I almost died?!"

Ned sighed quietly. "Yeah, Pete. You're in the hospital right now."

Peter froze, shutting and squeezing his eyes closed slowly. "Please tell me I have my binder on at least."

He could basically feel the awkward tension in the room and huffed. "Fuck me... wait, where's Aunt May?"

MJ swallowed awkwardly. "Peter, I'm sorry-"

"Where is my aunt?!" Peter yelled now. He saw the look on his two friends' faces. "No..."


"She's not dead! She can't be!" Peter started sobbing. "She's all I have!"

Peter buried his face into his knees, choking out breaths between sobs. Ned went to comfort him, but MJ grabbed Ned's shoulder and whispered, "Give him a little time."

Peter cried until he fell asleep from exhaustion.

One week later, Aunt May was buried next to Peter's mom and her husband Ben.

Two days after that, Peter moved the little stuff he salvaged from the fire into Ned's spare bedroom.

Then one day later, the lawyer gave Peter both his mom's will and his aunt's will.

He read his aunt's will which gave everything she owned to Peter, including his mother's will. And at the bottom of his mother's name was a name and an address preceded by a sentence.

Only in the worst case scenerio let Peter go to his father.

His father currently lives at 200 Park Avenue, New York City. His name is Anthony Edward Stark.

That was the first thing that got Peter out of bed in two weeks.

He was going to find his dad.

Word count: 1124

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