the freak out

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Peter felt drowsy. The world was spinning around him. He was still wearing his mask.

"K-Karen? Where are we?"

"Don't worry, Spidey. You're with me now."


"What the fuck do you mean 'Peter is missing,' Steve?"

"I mean he's not with Tony and no one else knows where he is."

It was obvious that Steve has been crying and his phone showed the contact for Tony.

"Tony's heading back as quickly as he can, Pepper even got him out of seven meetings."

"Coop, Lila, go to your rooms. The adults need to talk," Clint mumbled to his kids.

"But, Dad, he's my boyfriend-"

"To your room."

Lila dragged her brother away.

"How long has he been missin'? Do we know anthin'? Everyone knows, right?" Clint asked quickly, shifting from foot to foot.

"Uh, the last time anyone saw him was last night, 'round nine."

Clint fucked up. Clint really fucked up. Tony is going to murder him. "I-I went to check up on him 'round midnight last night."

"What?!" Steve's face lit up. "W-Was he in there?"

"No, I-I thought he'd be back by morning!"

"And you didn't tell anyone?"

"He's a teen! They always sneak out! Ya gotta let kids live!"

"Not when there's people willing to kill him for Tony's attention!"

"How was I supposed to know?"

"What would you do if your kid was missing, just sit around? If you just spoke up, we might actually have Peter back by now!"

"Boys!" Natasha snapped. "It doesn't matter now. We need to stick together if we're gonna find him. Now come on."


"Who-Who are you? Where am I? You gotta tell me!"  Peter demanded, trying to tug at his bonds. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chairs, his arms tied behind his back, both with rope. He should be able to simply break the thread apart, but... he's just so tired. He could barely keep his head up.

"Oh, my sweet little spider, my name is Mandy and where you are isn't important." He felt a finger lead along his masked cheek. The struggle to keep his head up left him only able to see the tip of her nose and below. "May I look at your face, my spider prince?"

"Wh-What? No!"

He could see the frown on the girl's face.

"C'mon, handsome, just a peek."


"One more chance, Spidey."

Peter felt defeated. "P-Please no..."

The girl growled angrily. She grabbed the back of his mask and forcefully unzipped it. As she yanked it from his face, she gasped.

"Oh my Thor."

Peter felt like crying. He let his head completely drop, chin flat against his chest.

Oh yeah, his chest.

That's why he can't breathe.

"You're Iron Man's son," she squealed happily. "Wow. You sure have that Stark handsomeness."

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