the annoyances

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On days like these, Steve really wishes he could get drunk

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On days like these, Steve really wishes he could get drunk.

Steve was fiddling with his suitcase strap, chewing his lip roughly.

"Steve, stop. You're gonna make yourself bleed," Bucky reprimanded, nudging him gently.

Steve shifted on his feet again. "Okay, sorry."

"You need to chill out a little, Stevie."

"I can't! I have to make a good impression on Tony and his son."

"The kid has a name, Steve. He's his own person. What is his name?"

"Peter. He's a real sweet kid. Loves his dad."

"Hey, that's one thing you guys have in common."

Steve slapped his arm, huffing angrily. "Look, Buck, please don't do that around Tony. I'm trying to build his trust again. I just hope his kid likes me still."

"Unless you did something really fucked-"


"Fine, stupid, you should be good. You're Captain America for God's sake."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm Captain America! I got this!"

"That's it, Stevie."

The elevator dinged open to reveal the compound's common room, the smell of Sam's vanilla candles and Natasha's lilac Febreeze mixed in the air. Clint was collapsed on top of the back of the couch, an empty mug resting on his chest. Sam was chatting with Natasha, both on the couch, polishing weapons from the gym. Thor was on the end of the couch with Bruce resting in his lap. Steve can't remember the last time the tower was so domestic.

Sam turned his head a bit too far to the right and spotted Steve. The man snapped to his feet and stormed over to the two super-soldiers. "Steven Grant Rogers! What in hell are you doing here?!"


"You know what? I don't even want to know!" Sam whisper yelled. "I am sick and tired of telling you that the last thing Tony needs on his plate is is douchebag ex boyfriend adding on some stress. Do you know how hard he's working for his kid right now?"

Steve cowered back from Mama Wilson.

"And you Barnes-" Sam hissed.

"Hi, Wilson."

"Did you convince him into this? Do you want payback some how?"

Steve saw Tony walk into the room out of the corner of his eye, making his stomach explode into butterflies. Tony spotted him and rushed over.

"Hey, Steve. I'm really happy you took up my offer." Tony grinned, charm radiating off of him as he gave Steve a hug. What the everloving heck is happening? "Hey, can we talk? Like, in private?"

"Uh, yeah."

Bucky gave him the 'Are you okay?' look while Sam gave him the 'I swear to the Lord above' look.

"Hey, Dad, have you seen my trigonometry boo- what is he doing here?"

Tony smiled, making Steve's heart seize again. "Pete, Steve's staying at the tower again."



"No! He was rude to you! He said you'd ruin my life! Just 'cause he messed up! He was the one who hurt you!"

"You told Tony what?" Bucky snapped.

"Peter, listen to me-"

"No, you're acting irrational! Keeping your douchebag ex here, just to hurt you more?"

"Peter Benjamin Parker, first of all, you do not yell at your father-"

"I do when you don't realize you're hurting yourself!"

"Go to your room, we will discuss this later. Your trig book is on the kitchen counter."

Peter sent one more glare at Steve before storming off again. Tony's shoulders collapsed inward. "I have to go deal with this, talk later?"

"You got it."

"Thank you." Tony jogged off.

Honestly, that went better than he thought.

In Peter's room, Tony was giving him a lecture. Peter knew he was right. Steve was, and although Peter didn't like swearing, was an asshole. Peter was a little sad, though, Tony looked really mad at him.

"Dad, I have to get to school."

Tony glanced at the clock. "Okay, fine. We're not done, though, after school, you come straight home, alright."


Tony hugged him. "Love you, kiddo."

Peter smiled softly. "Love you too, Dad."

It took Peter only 45 minutes to get to school instead of his usual hour. Maybe he just really wanted to avoid Captain Annoying (Nice one, Peter).

"Oh, God, what's wrong, Peter?" MJ asked, clear look of annoyance on her face.

"So much, it's hard to explain."

"Well, at least tell me you didn't forget you were showing a new kid around today."

Peter groaned loudly. This was just what he needed on his plate, wasn't it? "Tell Ned I'll meet him in homeroom. I gotta go to the office."

Peter weaved through the halls, somehow avoiding any phrases including slurs.

"Hey, Miss Hailey! I'm here for that kid in my grade that I'm showing around."

"Thank you again for signing up for this, Mister Parker. He'll be in here soon."

Peter sat down, setting his bag in front of him. After about five minutes, the prettiest boy Peter Parker has seen in his sixteen years of life.

Please don't let that be the boy I'm showing around, I'm too gay for this.

Miss Hailey pointed towards Peter and the boy walked over. He held out his hand, smiling happily.

"Hey, I'm Cooper."

"Parker. I mean- I'm Parker. Peter. Parker. Parker Peter. I mean- Peter Parker. Yeah."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Parker Peter." Cooper playfully winked, making Peter almost choke on air itself.

"So- uh- are you in Mrs. Jamerson's homeroom!"


"Cool, I'll show you it."

Peter accidentally lost Cooper multiple times, considering his height and Peter's anti height, but they eventually made it to homeroom.

"Damn, should just hold your hand next time so I don't lost, huh?"

Peter didn't trust his voice not to crack in fifty different ways, so he just nodded, his smile wide. Wow, he's gay. He's so gay.

Peter ducked into the classroom, sitting behind Ned and whispering very quietly, "I am so so so gay."

Cooper sat behind MJ, next to Peter.

"Oh, is that a lesbian flag?" Cooper asked, pointing at her jacket.

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

"Oh, I'm pansexual! It's just cool to already meet some LGBT people here."

"I'm gay," Ned added, when Peter blurted out, "I'm bi!"

Smooth one, Parker. Smooth.

Word count: 1034

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