the game night

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After school, Peter got punched by Flash's right hand man, Skip Westcott

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After school, Peter got punched by Flash's right hand man, Skip Westcott. Then, kicked multiple times in the ribs by Flash himself, which especially hurt considering his incident with his binder that morning. Then he had to be jostled around by the subway, which he nearly missed, making others elbow and jab at his injuries. When he finally got to the tower, the elevator was unavailable for some ungodly reason so he had to use the stairs to go to the penthouse with a heavy bookbag. All of this considered, Peter wasn't in the best mood. That still gave him no reason to snap at his dad.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., where's Mr. Stark?"

"He's in his lab, Mr. Parker. Would you like me to notify Mr. Stark of your approach?"

"Uh... sure."

Peter shuffled down the stairs to his dad's lab, planning out what to say. He had a feeling Tony wouldn't like his black eye. He took one more deep breath before knocking on the glass door.

"Come in, Pete!"

"Dad?" he whispered softly, shuffling over to the desk Tony was hunched over. "I-I'm sorry about earlier. I was way out of line and-"

"It's okay, Peter. I know you've been having a rough time recently- holy shit, what happened?" Tony rushed forward, examining the bruise closer. Peter swallowed hard.

"It was just this kid at school, it doesn't matter-"

"It does so matter, Peter! This asshole punched you!" Peter flinched, making Tony's face soften. "Sorry for yelling. Please tell me?"

"Just two kids named Flash and Skip, okay? Please just drop it. I came down here to apologize anyways."

Tony sighed. "Fine. I'll drop it for now. For you, kid. Also, you have nothing to apologize for."

"But I snapped at you-"

"No, listen to me. There's nothing to apologize for, okay? I know you've been having a really tough time recently, so how about we have a game night? Everyone in the tower. And we can introduce you to everyone! I'll even make Bruce get Thor over here. How does that sound?"

Tony was desperately trying to get Peter to crack a smile. He's been through to much for being just a kid, not to mention how short of a time it happened. Peter smiled softly. "Are you sure they'd be fine with that?"

"Positive, kid. I'm positive."


Peter was curled up in the corner of the couch while Tony was busy grabbing all the games in the tower. Peter wanted to help, but Tony refused, simply saying "he could handle it."

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