the explanations

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Clint was shaking, which was never a good thing. If he's shaking, he's panicking. If he's panicking, he can't shoot straight. He started scratching at his arm.

Natasha grabbed his wrist. "No."


Steve walked into the gym. He looked surprised when he saw Bucky, Nat, and Clint all sitting in a circle.

"What's goin' on here?"

"Therapy session," Bucky said, making Natasha slap him across the back of his head.

"Clint's struggling with something and we're trying to help him out."

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "Does this have anything to do with Peter not talking to him?"


"Stevie, I don't think-"

"Nah, let him get into our dumb circle."

Nat scooted over to let Steve sit down. "What's up, Barton?"

"My kids hate me. And I don't know why."

Steve tensed up. "Uh, I might know-"

"Well? Tell us, Stevie."

"Uh- I may have over heard, not by eavesdropping, he was just really loud cause of ya know, my hearing, but he was ranting really loudly to Tony, and you apparently you cheated on your ex?"

"He fucking WHAT NOW?" Nat screeched.

"I never said I thought that, don't shoot the messenger!" 

"I-I what? She told my kids I cheated on her? With who? Fucking... Nat?"

"I don't know. I left once I realized they were talking."

"My- my own kids think I'm a scumbag! Because of- just because my wife-"


"I-I can't fucking believe this, I gotta find Peter-"

Clint pushed himself up and stormed up. Bucky and Nat exchanged looks.

"I got 'im this time, Nat."

"Okay, just remember what I told you, Barnes."

"I know, I know." Buck chased after him, shouting his name.

"I should go talk to Tony and Pete, huh?" Steve tried to half smile.

"I think you should. For Clint's sake."


"Steve, I don't really think Clint would do that either, but Peter idolizes that boy, whose ass I am ready to kick. Unless it;s coming straight from Cooper, I don't think he'd ever believe him," Tony mumbled, wiping grease off of his hands. Steve was leaning against the door of the lab in his classic mom-friend-Steve-Rogers pose.

"I realize that, it's just... Clint looks so genuinely destroyed. I want to help in some way. And I still don't know why in hell Laura and he broke up."

"Wait, you don't know?"


"Laura divorced Clint when she found out he was bisexual."

Steve shifted uncomfortably, all the homophobic and biphobic comments hes heard in the 40's an modern day alive slid in and out of his head. "Really?"

"Yeah. Then she took custody of the kids, saying he wasn't fit because his job as an agent-slash-avenger was too 'dangerous.'"

"I mean-"

"Steve. Stop talking," Tony mumbled. Steve immediately closed his mouth (Tony's expressed his worries about what would have happened to Peter if he was hurt in action). "I think the best plan is to trap Cooper in a room with Clint one day when Peter brings him over so he can explain."

Steve sighed, rubbing the space between his eyes. "Trapping a 16 year old in a room with a grown man. That sounds like a tabloid line waiting to be written."

Tony walked over, kissing him on the cheek. "It's gonna be fine, Stevie, we'll find someway to he-"

"Sir, Master Peter has arrived home with his friends."

"All three?"

"Yes, sir."

Tony smiled. "You go get Clint. I'll distract the teens. Then I'll e all dad like and say, 'Cooper, I need to have a chat with you' and bring him into the kitchen."

"That's a plan. Also, I love you."

"Love you too, dumbass."

Steve watched Tony leave. "Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Tell Clint to get to the kitchen."

"Mister Barton is already in the kitchen drinking his daily second pot of coffee."

Steve half laughed, climbing the stairs. 


"Oh, hey, Cap. Whatcha need?"

"For you to stop wasting all our coffee, first of all-"

"It's not waste if I'm drinking it."

"And second of all, find out how to explain to your kid your ex has been lying to him."

Clint almost dropped his pot. "How'd you get that to work?"

"Tony's a genius."

"Should've known it was him."

Cooper and Tony walked into the kitchen, Clint immediately shutting him mouth and Steve moving towards the door.

"Sir, if you're worried I'd ever hurt Peter, I'd rather saw off my left foot with my own bow and arrow-"

"Kid, that's not what we're here to talk about that."

"Th-Then- oh. Hi, Dad."

"Cooper, listen-"

"To why you cheated on mom and left your kids? No thanks."

"I didn't cheat on your mom."


"I didn't! And I didn't want to leave you guys! I fought my ass off for custody!"

"Oh so you didn't just run away with that bitch Petra?!" Cooper crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows in a very Barton-like way.

"Petra? Who the hell is Petra- do you mean Pietro? Why would I date Pietro, he and his sister tried to kill me in Sokovia!"

"What? He? Why would you cheat on mom with a dude, you're straight!"

"But I'm not, Cooper!" Clint snapped. "That's why your mom hates me! It's because I'm bisexual! Your mom's a homophobic bitch!"

Cooper looked shocked. "Go to hell."


"Go to hell. My mom would never hate anyone because of that. And you're trying to say she's a liar."

"It's the truth."

"My mom is the most loving, caring person in the world. Go to hell, Clint." 

Cooper stormed out, leaving Clint in tears. "God fucking dammit."

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