the son

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Tony smoothed out Peter's red button up

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Tony smoothed out Peter's red button up. "I might not be able to let you out there, Pete. You'd be killin' all the ladies and fellas with your looks."

"Dad-" Peter covered his face with his hands.

"No, the handsomeness comes from your old man."

"Emphasis on old."

Tony rolled his eyes. "You have to go to hair and make up. Sadly, you didn't get enough of those looks from me."

"You're so mean to me."

Tony chuckled, ruffling his hair as Peter sat down in a chair. "Okay, ladies. Get him all prettied up."

"Hi! I'm Peter Parker-Stark!"

"Hello, Peter! I'm Alana and they're Jessie. You're so polite."

"Thanks, I try!"

Jessie chuckled, starting to mess with Peter's hair. "Is this the way you usually part it?"

Peter and the stylists casually chatted while they prettied Peter up. Once Peter was released, Tony grabbed his shoulders.

"Peter. You got this. If you need to get off stage, tap my knee three times, alright?" Tony said.

Peter smiled softly. "Got it!"

"I love you, Pete." Tony kissed his head.

Peter hugged him. "I love you too, Dad."

"Tony Stark, to the stage. Stark to the stage."

Tony squeezed his shoulder again. "You're gonna do great, Petey! I love you!"

Peter nervously cracked his knuckles while he waited for his queue. He paced back and forth awkwardly. The Tony on TV was smiling, casually chatting with the show host.

"Peter Parker-Stark to the stage!"

Peter scampered over to the entrance, trying to greet the producer but being ignored.

"Peter, come here kiddo!"

Peter awkwardly walked onto the stage, waving at the audience. Tony flashed him a thumbs up. Peter walked over to the white couch and sat down, holding his hound out for Ellen. No, not just Ellen, but the Ellen.

"It's so nice to meet you!" he squeaked out.

"Nice to meet you too, Peter!"

"Dad, it's Ellen!"

"Yes, Pete, I know."

"So," Ellen said. "You're Tony Stark's son?"

"Yeah, seems that way!" He grinned excitedly.

"How is it living with the Avengers? Are they anything like the media portrays them to be?"

"Oh, no! Not at all! First of all, this guy right here is a giant softie." Peter grinned at his dad, who's face was flushed red.

"Am not!"

"Yes you are! He once gave me four hundred dollars 'cause I asked for lunch money!"

"Kid, you are ruining my reputation."

"He also makes me hot cocoa whenever I want. And he lets my friends come over! To one of the most secure facilities! No matter what people say, he's full of all those emotions."

Tony's face was buried in his hands. Peter threw his arms around Tony. "Oh! And Miss Widow- I-I mean Nat, she wants to be called Nat, is also really nice! She and Mr. Hawkeye wanted to teach me how to fight, but Mr. Hawkeye said Dad would yell at them 'cause he said he didn't want me hurt. And Mr. Hawkeye is really nice too! He played Mario Kart with me and my friends!"

"Really? Never thought Hawkeye would be a gamer."

"Oh, he is! The scariest thing I've ever seen was him playing Jenga with Dad, Dr. Banner, and Mr. Thor. I was almost killed-"

"You were not!"

"Yes I was!"

"You're just mad you're bad at Jenga!"

Peter flicked his arm.

"Well, Peter, wanna play a game you may be better at?" the woman smiled. Peter's eyes lit up.

"What game are we going to be playing, Mrs. Ellen?!"

"Competitive Heads Up!"

"Yes!" Peter screamed as Tony pathetically groaned.

"So, we'll be playing two rounds, one, I'll be guessing and Tony will be giving me clues, then Peter will be giving me clues! So, Tony, you ready?" Ellen had a shit-eating grin as she was handed an iPad.

"As ready as I'll ever be. What's the category?"


"Oh boy-"


The word Mjolnir appeared on screen and Tony began pretending to swing around Thor's hammer, which made Ellen scream out "Thor!" This kept happening until Tony mimed not being able to pick up the weapon, making her guess immediately.

Next was cape. Tony put his arms behind him and tried to wave them in a cape-like way. He then shoved his fists in front of him, trying to act like Superman. Ellen got it after two guesses.

Sadly, the last one they got to do, was Ironman, where Tony spent thirty seconds pointing at himself and his arc reactor. Ellen got it with one second to spare.

"Step aside, old man. Mrs. Ellen and I will show you how it's done!" Peter and Ellen shared a high five.

The first one was extremely easy. He just put his hands on his hips and yelled, "PATRIOTISM!" and Ellen immediately responded, "Captain America!"

Next, Peter mimed shooting a bow, and Ellen guessed Hawkeye immediately.

The next one was Suiting up and he faked putting on an Ironman suit. When that didn't work, he then tried pulling on Captain America's suit, which made her get it.

They went through a few more, finishing with Black Widow where Peter did a backflip into a summersault before fake punching some bad guys, which somehow came across as Natasha. The audience cheered.

"Since when could you do that?!" Tony yelled.

Peter grinned cheekily as he adjusted his microphone. "I took gymnastics."

Ellen grinned as a crew member handed her a piece of paper.

"So, the winner of our challenge is..."

There was a drumroll.

"Peter Parker-Stark, with ten to three!"

Peter whooped and (ironically, he swears) dabbed.

Later, Peter bounced out of the studio. "That was o much fun!"

"Yeah! Wait- God dammit, paparazzi."

Tony shielded his face, but Peter just grinned at the camera until they got to the car. Peter checked his phone for the first time in two hours.



yeah lol

Word count: 1000 words

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