the rumors

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(This chapter may as well be called Clint is a great dad)

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(This chapter may as well be called Clint is a great dad)

Has Peter ever mentioned how much he loves Clint?

Because it's a lot.

Currently, he was curled up in his side at two am, both of them unable to sleep from nightmares. Clint had made them both hot chocolate, Peter barely keeping Clint from chugging a pot of coffee. Clint's hand was absentmindedly running his fingers through Peter's hair as they watched the rerun of the stupid gossip show on early that night. Both of the boys, though they were trying to keep their drooping eyelids open, were frankly falling asleep

In all honesty, Peter ended up finding Clint in the kitchen, starting to make a pot of coffee. He was going to get his dad, but Tony was sleeping in Mr. Roger's arms and he just looked so... peaceful. He didn't want to ruin it so he just dragged himself to the kitchen and willed himself not to be too loud when sobbing. That's where Clint and Peter met, Clint quickly switched the coffee for cocoa (with lots of whipped creme, for your information) and suggested that they watched a bad celeb drama TV show if Peter didn't want to talk about it (and since it  was another dream that included Aunt May's death, he absolutely did not want to).

"Pete? You still up?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, half focused on the TV show.

"Alrigh'," Clint slurred. "Just checkin' on ya'."

Peter, a sudden chill running down his back, pressed himself closer to Clint. He couldn't tell if his Spidey senses detected something bad now or if it was left over anxiety from the nightmare. Clint was basically asleep again, but Peter couldn't take his eyes off of the TV that was displaying his picture.

"Oh, hey, Pete, that's you."

"Yeah!" Peter grinned. "I'm on TV! That's so cool, Clint!"

"So, Tony Stark has a son?" the main blonde woman smirked.

The guy next to her chuckled. "I mean, with how much he slutted himself out, I'm not surprised."

"Hey!" Peter snapped, but Clint just said, "It's stupid gossip, Petester. Don't let it bother you."

Peter huffed.

A third guy said, "Is Stark even qualified to raise a kid?"

"The answers no," the fourth and final girl said. "He's gay and dating Captain America, a fellow avenger. Can there be more dangerous conditions?"

"That's so homophobic!" Peter squeaked angrily.

"I'm sorry, Pete. It's hard to take you seriously. You just sound like an angry but harmless kitten."


"Sorry, bud, it's true!"

"You're so mean to me." Peter stuck his tongue out and Clint stuck his out at him.

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