the comfort

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Steve Rogers leaned his head against the cold window of the Brooklyn apartment

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Steve Rogers leaned his head against the cold window of the Brooklyn apartment. The soft blanket Bucky gave him was draped around his broad shoulders. Annoyingly, the weather was matching Steve's terrible mood. Rainy, muggy, and all around terrible. A cup of untouched coffee sat a few feet in front of the blonde man. An old record was playing softly from the corner of the apartment and a few books were set near the bench Steve was sat on. Bucky was trying his best to help Steve through his current low point, but many of his attempts just reminded Steve of something else about Tony. Sam promised to stop by later that week, probably going to just make Steve even sadder by accident. Or on purpose.

Steve's sketch book laid in his lap, page opened to Steve's unfinished Tony drawings. He kept starting new little doodles as new memories came to mind. There was drawings of Tony smiling, Tony laughing, Tony focused, Tony angry, pretty much every single emotion Steve has ever seen out of the other man. A few different drawings of the more negative emotions were smeared with his tears as he remembered the worse memories. He wanted to press his face into Tony's brunette hair as they swayed clumsily to Elvis. Tony would chuckle as he stepped on his feet while apologizing, making up for the minor pain with a peck to the lips.

What would have happened if Steve wasn't such a dumbass? Would he eventually gather up the courage to finally propose to him with the ring he bought months ago? Would he be right there with Tony to help him understand Peter was his son? Could he possibly be considered as another father to Peter?

Steve decided thinking was dumb and he didn't like it. Thinking kept getting him into sticky situations and supplied his with idiotic plans. Like flirting with a girl to get Tony jealous instead of just talking to Tony like a competent human would. Thinking also made Steve, in all honesty, despise himself in every single way. The worst fault in a human, Steve used to believe, was not having self confidence and finding yourself detestable. Now Steve has claimed that worst fault. Thinking made Steve wonder about if Tony was truly happy with Steve out of his life. Thinking made Steve want to fling himself out of a window.

"Stevie, you gotta eat soon."

Oh, yeah. And thinking made Steve want to punch himself in the face since he didn't want to worry Bucky.

"Not hungry, Buck."

Bucky sighed, sitting down in front of the blonde. Half of his long, brunette hair was tied back into a bun to keep it from his eyes.

"Steve, one, I already made food, two, if you don't eat soon, you're going to feel like utter shit."

"I said I'm not hungry."

"Come on, I made your favorite sandwich! And later I may make some apple pie if you eat now."

Steve's eyes lifted towards Bucky's. "Ham and cheese?"

"You bet."

Steve sighed, standing up and following Bucky into the kitchen.


Peter desperately did not want to go to school. He just wanted to sit at home and watch cheesy romance and bad comedy movies with his dad. Not at school where he gets mocked. His dad was hurting and Peter just wanted to help. Peter just needed a way to chill out, so he sent Tony a message saying he had to work on a project and suited up.

He swung through the rooftops, loudly laughing and whooping. When he was Spiderman, he was free from all the reality of his bad life. No need to think about school or gender or family, just the people who needed saving. He grunted softly as he landed on a nearby building. He sat on the edge and let his legs limply dangle.

He took a deep breath in. Everything is okay when he was in his stupid little outfit. He hopped off the building to look for trouble. But in a helpful way.

He ended up stopping a few tiny thefts and a kid who dropped his ice cream cone, which the mother repaid him by getting him ice cream. As he sat on a balcony in Brooklyn, he ate his honestly gigantic ice cream cone. The sliding glass door was shoved to the side harshly, making Peter yelp and drop his ice cream four stories.


"Woah. Watch your language, Spider-boy."

"Man," Peter mumbled.


"It's Spiderman."

"You look and sound like you're thirteen, kid."

"I'm not thirteen!" Peter snapped, turning to see Bucky freaking Barnes. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, M-Mister Barnes."

"It's fine, kid," Bucky chuckled. "Sorry about your ice cream."

"I just hope it didn't hit anyone." Peter grinned as Bucky laughed again.

"Bucky!" a voice groaned from inside a blonde shuffled to the door, leaning against the doorframe. "Oh. Hi, Spider-boy."

Peter growled under his breath at the stupid blonde. The stupid, freaking idiotic blonde super human that broke his dad's heart. "I gotta go."

And like that, Peter hopped off the building and started swinging towards Manhattan. He knew Spiderman fighting Captain America wouldn't be the best press of the vigilante. He perched himself on a tall skyscraper as he watched the sun go down. He let his eyes flutter close and the dipping sun shone on his face. He couldn't believe he actually felt bad for Steve Rogers. He may be a jerk, but he still looked... heartbroken! Why? He was the one who hurt his dad! He had no reason to be mad. Steve cheated on him. Steve continuously insulted him. Steve insulted him and his family and even Peter himself! Then he ran off to Bucky like Tony said he would!

He didn't realize the edge of the concrete roof split under his finger tips from his anger. He huffed angrily as he pushed himself off of the roof and shot another web out. The sun was down, the crime started coming out, and Peter had a job to do.


Peter crept down the street, now in his civilian clothes. He brushed a hand through his hair as he slipped into the lobby. He sprinted into the elevator and rapidly started pressing the penthouse button.

"Fri, what time is it?"

"It is 00:00, Mister Parker."


Peter may have gotten himself in the middle of a mugging of a girl that he could tell was going to a far, far worse place that made Peter want to actually kill the asshole. And he was extremely late. Tony was going to kill him. The elevator dinged open way too loudly, and revealed a very angry Tony.

"Uh... hi, dad?"

Word count: 1128

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