the hatred

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Cooper had Peter's hand in his tight grip. Peter whimpered slightly, snapping Cooper out of his anger filled daze.

"Holy shit, Coop-" Clint started, holding out his arms.

"Stay the fuck away from me." Cooper stared at his feet.


Still not letting go of Peter's hand, Cooper stood up, frankly towering over Clint. "I said stay the fuck away from me."

"Coop-" Peter whispered.

"What did I do?"

"What-what did you do? You fucking-" Cooper let go of Peter's hand and stormed out.

That asshole. That fucking asshole. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and hit the button on the elevator multiple times. He wiped a few tears from his eyes.

"Cooper. Cooper!" 

"What, Peter?!"

Peter flinched. Cooper huffed. "I'm going home, Peter."

"What the heck happened, Cooper?"

"Clint is my dad."

"I kinda found that out." Peter crossed his arms, frowning.

"I know, I know, just- can you show me how to get out?"

Peter huffed. "Fine. But you're explaining what's happening!"

The two boys entered the elevator. Cooper gently grabbed his hand.

"So, yeah, Clint's my dad. He's an asshole that cheated on my mom."

"Wh-What? That doesn't sound like Clint-"

Cooper laughed a cold, joyless laugh. "That's what I thought too."

Peter leaned into his side and hugged him. Cooper gently wrapped his arm around him.

"It all happened after the whole Sokovia thing. He came back... my mom found out... her name was fuckin' Petra or something." Cooper wiped at his eyes. "He was in and out of our lives for about a year then he just... left. Without any warning."

Cooper let out a soft sob. "You wanna know something? My lil' brother, Nate, he was- he was fuckin' one! One year old! And that asshole just- just fucking left!"

Peter hugged him harder.

"My ma' had to pick up another job while we were still out in Iowa... and life just got so fuckin' much harder... and just... god dammit."

Cooper leaned over and buried his face into Peter's shoulder, letting out hiccupy sobs. Peter wrapped his arms around his tightly.

"I hate him-" he sobbed. "I hate him so fucking much, Pete. He fucked over my entire family, Pete... do you know how much fuckin' money my mom had to spend on those fucking divorce and custody lawyers, and just-"

Peter stayed quiet, just holding him and running his hands through his hair. After a minute of Cooper just sobbing into his shoulder, he finally lifted his head. "I'm sorry-" Cooper had a little hiccup-laugh. "I kiss a boy then break down crying, I'm doin' great, huh?"

Peter smiled and held his hand. "It's fine. Today must have sucked."

"I mean somewhat, but I got to kiss you."

"Do you want me to call you an Uber or something to get home? I'll sit out here with you while we wait."

"You don't have to-"

"But I'm going to."

So that night, paparazzi caught Peter Parker-Stark sitting on a cub of New York with an unidentified boy.


Clint was so fucking angry. That bitch he called an ex wife and the lies she fed their kids. His kids.

"Clint. Breathe."

Even after all of Peter's friend, he was still dwelling on the fact that even years after he was denied of having custody of his kids, his own fucking flesh and blood, she's still ripping his children away from him. He felt tears stream down his face.

"Clint, breathe."

He faintly heard Nat's voice in the back of his mind, but it was muddled and blurred and confusing. Like it was just clouding up his mind.


Who was that? It hurts. His mind hurts.


He felt a cold hand on his shoulder. Clint blinked through his tears, trying to see who was in front of him.

"Focus on me, alright?"

Jesus Christ, it was Bucky. Bucky was nice. Bucky was pretty. His hair looked soft but also greasy. He looked like a mess in front of Bucky. Dammit.

"You need to breathe, Clint."

Clint took a deep breath in. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, it's fine. Do ya need me to get Natasha?"

Nat was a good friend. She always defended him. She almost got him custody of his kids.


"I'll go find her, you just sit down."

Clint sat carefully on the couch. After Cooper left, even Peter ignored him. Peter was mad at him. He doesn't know why. He doesn't know what happened. He gripped the couch. God dammit, he hasn't dont this in so fucking long, why now?

"Clint. Clint focus."

Clint opened his eyes, only to see Nat's boring back into them.

"This isn't your fault, Barton."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't. You wanted those kids more than your wife ever did or will."

Clint started crying again. "Too late to do anything about it, though. Cooper hates me, Lila probably hates me, and Nathaniel will grow up hating me. What the fuck am I supposed to do about it."

"Get Peter to bring Cooper back. Explain what Laura did and told the judges."

Clint knew it wouldn't work.


There was no hope.

"It'll be okay."

No it won't.


Clint wishes he wasn't bisexual.

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