the epilogue

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The concept was always hard for Peter to grasp onto. Growing up, he's only known a lot of death and abandonment. His father didn't know he existed, his mother left him and then died, and his aunt and uncle died.

Then, suddenly a whole new family dropped from the sky. His (at first, reluctant) father was Tony Stark and his aunts and uncles were the avengers.

Most recently, Bucky Barnes has taken the teen under his wing, trying to teach the younger boy how to get used to a prosthetic designed by the one and only Shuri. No matter how many times the two have denied it, Peter and Bucky have caught Clint and Cooper watching their joint physical therapy many of times.

In the last year, Peter has been included into many families, including his friends, the Starks, the Bartons, the Barnes, and even the royal family of Wakanda (don't tell, but Peter thinks that one is the coolest).

The next year when Peter graduated, all of them stood and cheered for their favorite official or non-official son. Of course, it was technically against the rules, but who's going to debate the Avengers?

A year into college, Cooper gathered up his courage and asked Tony for his blessing with Peter. At first, he joked around and faked saying no, but told the boy no matter what he thought, it's Peter's life and decision. Three months later, Cooper knelt in front of him and popped the question.

(He of course said yes.)

Even years later, when Peter and Cooper were married with a child, Peter would bring up the promise his father made to him in his teen. He'd say, "Thank you for keeping our family together."

And, no matter how many times Peter said it, Tony would always respond, "Pete, it was you. You were the one to pull us back."

And they wouldn't argue about it. Father and son, side by side.

The end.

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