the rejection

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"Petey-Pie. Hey. It's gonna be okay. My moms gonna love you, I swear!"

Peter and Cooper were standing outside Cooper's apartment, Cooper desperately trying to calm him down.

"Plus, Nate already idolizes you."

Peter smiled softly, but he couldn't stop thinking about what if Clint was telling the truth? Ms. Barton really was homophobic? What if she disowned Cooper?

"Peter, stop thinking. I can hear those gears a-grinding in that head of yours. Now, when you're ready, we'll go in."

Peter took a deep breath in and out. "I think I'm ready."

Cooper smiled and kissed his head. "Thank you for being with me when I break the news to mom that I'm a scary homosexual."

"You're pan!"

"Shh, my dear. Now, let's go."

Cooper slowly let go of his hand before unlocking his apartment door. "Mooom! I'm back with my friend!"

"Then bring him in! I'm in the kitchen with Lila and Nate!"

Cooper gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go. "You got this, Petey."

"Hey, mom, whatcha makin'?"


"'M helpin'!" Nate grinned, his two front teeth missing from his childish smile. Lila shook her head.

"He's sprinkling garlic onto the bread."  

Peter giggled softly, pulling Cooper's mom from her pasta.

"Oh, hi, Peter, I've heard all about you!"

"Hey, Ms. Barton, I've heard about you too!"

"Oh, hon, call me Laura."

"Oh, ok Ms. Ba- Laura!"

"You stayin' for dinner?"

"If that's fine, ma'am."

"Of course it is, darling!

"Hey, mom, I'm gonna show Peter my room, can you call us when it's tine for dinner?"

"Of course!"

As soon as Peter and Cooper were safely in his room, Cooper grabbed Peter's hand. "Are you okay?"

Peter shifted foot to foot, the idea of saying 'I think your mom is homophobic and this is a bad idea' left a sour taste in Peter's mouth. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm just worried." 

"Hey, we'll be fine, Petey," Cooper smiled, holding Peter's face gently in his hand. "Now, how about we just go relax? Watch YouYube? Maybe some Netflix? Or Kitchen Nightmares on Hulu?"

"Y-yeah. That sounds nice."

Cooper flopped onto his bed, clicking his TV onto chomecast, casting Hulu onto the screen. Peter laid down on the bed and curled into his side, Cooper looping his arm around Peter. He laid his head on his boyfriend's chest, pulling his focus to Gordon Ramsey angry words.

An hour later, Lila walked into Cooper's room, without knocking, and saw Peter and Cooper cuddling in all their glory.

"Holy shit, I knew it!" She whispered, getting Cooper's nervous attention. "I knew you were gay!"

"Sh, sh, sh! I'm not telling anyone yet! You were supposed to find out at dinner."

"Okay, well, dinner's ready, so get ready, Coop!" Lila said, grinning as she left. "Put some clothes on, you two!"

"Your little sister's nice."

"She's a brat, but okay. Now, let's go gorge ourselves on pasta."

"And tell your mom you're very gay for me."

"Of course, lovely."

Cooper lead Peter out to the table, sitting down with Peter to his left, Nate on his other side. 

In all honestly, they were all having a lovely time... well, at least until after dinner.

"Hey, mom? Can I tell you something?" Cooper asked, voice slightly wobbled. Peter squeezed his hand gently under the table.

"Of course, dear, anything." Laura's eyebrows were furrowed in worry. 

"M-Mom... I'm pansexual and..." Cooper took a deep breath in and out. "I'm dating Peter."

Laura opened and closed her mouth. "Wh-What?"

"I'm pan. I'm attracted to all genders."

"No you're not."

"Wh-What do you mean I'm not?" Peter squeezed his hand harder. 

"No son of mine is gay."


"You know what? You get this from your father. He's a little faggot too."

"Mom, please-"

"We can fix you!"

"No you can't! I'm gay and I've always been gay!"

"You want to be like this, huh?"

"Yes, and I will be."

"Well, you won't be in my house."


"I want you out of my house before you corrupt my kids like Clint corrupted you." Laura growled, picking up Nathaniel and carrying him out of the room. As soon as she left, Cooper broke down and Lila slipped out. 

"Wh-What am I supposed to do now?"

Peter sat down, pulling his boyfriend to his chest, despite their obvious size difference. "Hey, you can stay with me."

"Bu- I- fuck..." he let out another choked sob. "I-I should've listened to dad... god dammit."

"Hey, hey, shhh..."

Peter discreetly texted his dad to pick them up, still pulling his fingers through his hair.

"My dad's on his way to pick us up, Cooper. Come on, let's get you packed up. Maybe your mom just has to process." 

Peter helped him stand up and walk to his room. They worked together to shove things into a few bags for Cooper. 

"Hey, my dad's outside." 

They walked to the door, even feeling Laura's glare on their back. As they walked to the elevator, they heard a teen girl yell after them. 

"Wait! Cooper, wait up!" They turned to see Lila running down the hall after them, a backpack slung over her shoulder. "I'm coming with."

"Lila, no-"

"I wanna see Dad too, Coop. And what Mom's doing... it's bullshit. You can love who ever the hell you want, Coop. And Peter's pretty great. Now, are we going or what?"

Tears started to gather at the corners of Cooper's eyes, pulling his little sister into a hug.


Two Bartons and Starks ride up to the community floor of Avenger's tower. "Fri, tell Barton to get his ass into the living room."

Peter squeezed his hand tightly, smiling up at him. Lila leaned onto Cooper's other side, Cooper's arm tight around him. "We'll be alright, right Coop?"

"Of course, Liles."

As the elevator door slid open, Clint's face was revealed to his two kids.


"Cooper? Lila?"

Cooper collapsed into his dad's chest, crying softly. 

"You were right."

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