the claim

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Clint hasn't been this happy since he had his kids ripped from him. He hugged his, well, technically small doesn't describe his 6'1" son, but no matter what, he'll still be a ten year old child in his eyes. Lila was curled into his other side, nuzzling into his ribs, which was honestly very uncomfortable, but Clint couldn't ask anything more.

Actually, yes he could. Nathaniel being with him would also be amazing right now, but he was beyond lucky to have two of his children. And the extra child clinging to Cooper.

He still wasn't sure what happened between his son, daughter, and his ex, but he knew it wasn't anything good. Peter told him he'd explain once Cooper calmed down more. Clint thinks he's actually going to fight his ex.

Lila's eyes fluttered open. "Dad? You're actually here, right? This isn't a dream?"

Clint smiled sadly, kissing her hair. "Yeah, sweetheart. I'm here."

She nodded softly, curling back into him. "Good. I missed you."

As she fell back to sleep, Steve entered the living room quietly. "Hey, Clint. We set up two guest rooms on your floor if you need it."

Clint chuckled. "I'm not sure you could rip these two from me at the moment in all honesty."

"What about Pete? Tony asked me to take him to his room."

"You can try."

Steve pried Peter from Cooper's arm, trying to be as careful as possible. Peter opened his eyes slightly, "Pops? Is Coop okay?"

Steve's grin stretched across his face. "Yeah, buddy. Go back to sleep. He'll be here in the morning."

"Thanks, Pops." Peter fell back asleep, drooling on his chest. Steve smiled at the teen.

"Night, Clint. See you in the morning."

"Night, Steve."


"Dad. Dad. Father. Where's the kitchen. I'm very hungry. And I can't find Peter."

Clint was woken up by his kid poking his face. 

"Ask F.R.I.D.A.Y."

"Who the fuck is Friday?"

Clint groaned loudly. "Fri, show Cooper where the kitchen is."

"I'm hungry too, Daddio," Lila muttered into the side of his ribs. Clint groaned louder. 

"Fine. Let's go..." Clint flipped Lila over his shoulder, making her squeal. "...get food!"

Clint led his two kids into the kitchen where Bucky and Steve were cooking pancakes. Bucky looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Morning, you three."

"Morning, is Peter up?" Cooper asked excitedly.

Steve chuckled. "Christ, son, calm down. That boy is hungrier than a lion, he'll be down eventually."

Cooper groaned and flopped onto the nearest chair. Cooper set Lila down onto the chair, ruffling her hair. "Dad!"

Clint chuckled softly. Bucky smiled at him, quietly asking, "You feelin' better, Clinton."

The blonde nodded softly. "Much."

"Are you thinking of taking Laura back to court? Get official custody of your kids again?"

"Well, 'm gonna have to, ya know? Coop's been kicked out, I know Lila walked out with him, but technically she's more of a stowaway, and I just wanna see little Nathaniel again." 

"You named your kid Nathaniel?"

"Fuck off, Buchanan." 

"You best be nicer to me if you want coffee, Clinton."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, I would!" Bucky laughed. 

"So, Dad," Lila said, looking from man to man, "How long have you two been fucking?"

Bucky busted out laughing.

"Lila! One, watch your fucking language-"

"Clint, you really got to get better at this."

"Second, there's much better ways to ask if I'm dating someone. And the answer's no."

"Boo. Y'all would be cute as fuck," Cooper shrugged. 

Clint coughed loudly, face flushing bright red. Thankfully, Peter and Tony came in and distracted Cooper and Lila. "Morning, Barton Bunch."


"Hey, Mr. Tony."

"Hey, Stark, can I talk with you?" 

"Yeah, what's up?"

Clint was tapping the mug of coffee Bucky gave him quickly. "Do you possibly know any good child custody lawyers?"

"No, but I'll get Pep right on it. Taking Laura back to court?"

"I mean, yeah. She just kicked her son out of her house," Clint paused as he watched Cooper and Lila chat with Peter, "I'm worried if any of my other kids turn out gay or trans or-"

Clint had to pause again to prevent from crying.

"Just, what if instead of kicking him out, she hurt him, sent him to some fuckin' conversion camp or tried to beat the gay outta' him, just-" Clint wiped one eye roughly. "I'm worried."

Something touched Tony. Whether it was seeing Clint cry for the first time ever or the fact he was imagining Peter in these situations, he was convinced. "I'll find you the best child custody lawyer money can buy. We'll get your kids back, don't worry."

Clint swallowed roughly. "Thank you... I-I should go feed Lila so I can take her back to her mom's. Know her mom, she's probably on a fucking rampage."

"I'll file you a custody claim while you're eating. Remember, Barton, we're here for you."

Bucky grinned as Clint re-entered the kitchen, arms around his children. 

Two hours later, Clint was on Laura's doorstep, letting his daughter go back to her mom and handing his ex a document.

"I want my kids back, Laura."

"You're not gonna get them."

"We'll see."

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