Chapter 9: Bitter

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

The four Bizarro scoffing slightly under their collective breaths. The ninja were going to pay... Just not right at this moment. They didn't want their darling (Y/N) to see.

Whom right now the Bizarro Ninjas and had trapped in a warm sea of cuddles.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)." Bizarro Jay whispered quietly in her ear. "We'll make sure those Ninja never hurt you again."

"No boys, we need to be smart about this, we have to stay undetected." (Y/N) warned them.

"What? We can't defend the honour of the one we love to death?" Bizarro Zane pouted.

Bizarro Cole and Bizarro Kai just hugged (Y/N) tighter. (Y/N) just looked away as a hint of a blush crept on her face.

"See that's exactly what I was anticipating, now come on show us that perfect smile." Bizarro Zane teased as (Y/N)looked at them and gave them a small grin.

"Boys that's not what I'm saying we need to be on our guard, we can't just jump into this fight without a plan. Something is off about all of this, we need to have a strategy." (Y/N) decreed.

Bizarro Cole shuttered. "I like a woman who demands control." He said excitedly.

(Y/N) let out a frustrated sigh this was going to be a lot harder then she thought.

(Third Person P.O.V)

Lloyd was furious at his team. They couldn't find (Y/N) ANYWHERE! They let the only girl he'd ever love get away. "What is the problem with you people?!" He yelled causing them all to flinch.

"How could you just let them steal her away from me?!" Lloyd yelled. Nya and the team felt an overwhelming amount of dread wash over them.

"There's no telling WHAT they did to her when they kidnapped her!" Lloyd hissed as gritted his teeth trying to make sense of what had occurred.

"This isn't good." Kai whispered running a hand through his hair as Lloyd paced around the room.

Lloyd narrowed his red eyes as he whipped around and glared at the Ninja. They winced under his gaze.

Several moments passed as silence was the only sound. As Lloyd stared at the other Ninja his eyes dark and void of any emotion before ordering. "Leave me! I'll handle this myself!"

The Ninja quickly scattered out of the room once they were far enough away. Kai sank to the ground against the wall, covering his face with his hands. "Its all my fault!" Kai growled slamming his fist against the wall.

Nya pulled him to his feet. "Come on, Kai. It wasn't your fault." Nya said patting her brothers back.

"I was the one that told him that he could get her back if he became the Green Ninja." Kai sighed.

(Lloyd's P.O.V)

I began to pace back and forth outside of (Y/N)'s room.

My mind wouldn't let me think of anything but (Y/N). Her eyes, her voice, her face, her hair, her figure, every little detail of (Y/N) flooded my mind. It drove me insane... why couldn't (Y/N) just accept my love for her? Why?

​​​​I couldn't stand the thought of someone taking (Y/N) away from me again. I had to make the Bounty more secure than ever and train harder any price was worth having (Y/N) back at my side.

I released a frustrated sigh as I ran my pale hand through my unruly hair. I just couldn't understand why (Y/N) didn't adore me just as much as I did her...

"Lloyd-" Sensei Wu said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Not now." I growled at Sensei Wu and continued with my train of thought.

"What is troubling you, Lloyd?" Sensei Wu tried again.

"(Y/N) is... She needs to be here right by my side where she belongs." I snarled as I sent a burst of energy straight towards a wall, bursting a picture into flames.

Sensei Wu began to shake in despair and slowly departed away from me.

I didn't care. The only thing I want is my (Y/N)!

Nothing makes sense without (Y/N) here... Life has become so incredibly bitter and lifeless without her... (Y/N) wherever you are I will find you and we'll never be separated again!

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