Chapter 17: Tearful Reunion

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

As (Y/N) rode the elevator to a certain apartment, her heart beat rapidly, her breath quickening.

(Y/N) never felt like this before, (Y/N) wanted to hurl. This feeling was unfamiliar to her. And to tell you the truth, she hated this feeling in general.

(Y/N) was feeling a pull towards the occupants inside and no matter how hard (Y/N) tried to deny it. Her heart rate quickened, if that was possible and struggled to get her nerves under control.

It made these feelings worse. It made facing them worse. They would probably order her out, tell her never to return.

(Y/N) broke into a sweat, staring at the door to the apartment worrying about the occupants inside, (Y/N) anxiously opened the door, nervously staring at the occupants inside.

Their mouths agape, eyes wide. (Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat, biting her lip, and trying to brace herself from their well-deserved rage, one thing she knew would happen.

(Y/N) took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Her stomach, making her feel queasy and nervous. Staring down at the cold, uncaring carpeted floor. Just waiting for their verbal lashing and trying to avoid looking into their red eyes.

(Y/N) was suddenly tackled onto the floor with a painful thud. "(Y/N)!!" The four Bizarro Ninja cried out clutching onto her with tears in their eyes.

(Y/N)'s heart started beating faster, her head started spinning this was not the reception she was expecting. Needless to say, It made her nervous. Very nervous.

(Y/N) tried to speak, But Bizarro Kai interrupted her. "We care so much about you, (Y/N). More than you can ever imagine." "You're our everything." Bizarro Zane butted in. "You make our lives exciting." Bizarro Cole stated.

"(Y/N)," Bizarro Jay said in a raspy tone, tears falling down his pale cheeks. "Without you, we would be lost. We're so happy to have someone like you with us."

(Y/N) bit her lip, nervously and stroked each boys cheeks with her thumbs, drying their tears.

It was (Y/N)'s turn to speak up. "You know that I'm terrible at expressing my emotions, but I'll try and explain."(Y/N) began looking back at the four with gentle eyes.

"When I'm around you four, my face gets sore and you make me happy whenever you four cause havoc in the city with me."

(Y/N)'s breath was shaking as she looked at all four Bizarro Ninja's hope-filled eyes. "And I want to continue causing as much chaos and havoc with the four of you as I can."

The Bizarro Ninja gasped, surprised at (Y/N)'s sweet words. hearing someone say this to them made them feel wanted and loved.

The Bizarro Ninja hugged (Y/N) tightly, wrapping their arms around her neck. More Tears fell down from their red eyes dripping down onto (Y/N)'s shoulders. The Bizarro Ninja's were so happy that they couldn't speak.

(Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat. She wanted to talk to them about...well, everything that had been going on since they last together...Maybe... Hopefully...

(Y/N) smiled at them with sweet, loving eyes. She then said in a whisper, "I'm sorry. Don't be mad, alright?"

The four nodded vigorously and smiled for a brief moment as Bizarro Kai replied with. "We promise, (Y/N)."

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