Chapter 37: One Bad Wakeup Call.

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

Author's Note: This is a spin-off from the main story Chaotic shattering. Splitting off from Chaotic shattering during season 2 Episode 3 Double Trouble.

(Third Person P.O.V)

___ Bizarro Ninja ___

(Y/N) sleepily woke up warm and content, snuggled into incredibly warm arms. Humming slightly as the body practically draped across her began slightly squeezing her in its arms.

She didn't exactly remember any of the boys sneaking in to sleep in her bed with her, but whatever.

"...(Y/N)?" Came a sleepy voice slightly muffled from being pressed against the crown of her head.

Literally, everything in (Y/N)'s mind shut off at the sound of the voice above her.

That was Lloyd's voice... Lloyd was laying in the bed with his arms wrapped around her...

(Y/N) screamed and let out of the bed as if it was on fire. Her face burning and bile surging in her throat. Her eyes quickly clouding with anger as she whipped around to face him. "Lloyd!" (Y/N) angrily spat at the green ninja.

Lloyd sat up blinking sleepily in the bed. "What are you doing in here!?" (Y/N) spat at him, her voice filled with venom.

Lloyd was looking up at her with his intent red eyes peeking through his eyelashes. Somewhat still asleep.

For a long time, Lloyd merely looked at her, quiet and still. He seemed to be waiting for something. To (Y/N) this boy looked entirely alien for a moment something utterly strange and unknowable, yet achingly familiar... And it disgusted her.

Then the moment broke. "Why should I be anywhere else?" He said, looking awkward, almost embarrassed. A faint dusting of pink spread over his cheeks and Lloyd's eyes seemed to beg her to understand something he wasn't saying. It was seriously, way too late at night for this brick.

"Lloyd!" (Y/N) snapped at the green ninja. Her expression deeply irritated, jaw set.

Lloyd just looked at her with a love-struck look on his face. When his beloved planted her feet and faced an adversary, eyes blazing, Lloyd's breath caught in his throat.

(Y/N) threw her hands up in confounded frustration. It was clear to her she wasn't going to get a sane answer. So why even try. Unamused, she folded her arms over her chest. As Lloyd continued to what was in her opinion stare at her like a deranged drunken fool.

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