Chapter 10: Feeling Trapped

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

(Y/N) stared up at the ceiling from her bed hoping that she could have just one night without her four suitors needing to be there by her side.

Lately, they had been getting worse and (Y/N) was struggling more and more to cope with there incessant want for her attention and approval.

Don't misunderstand her, she cared for them but the four of them were a little much for someone who wasn't very good with understanding others feelings...

But after the latest incident involving Lloyd and the Ninja. The red-eyed copies had tripled their efforts and their regular efforts were already too much...

Add to the fact that they were in hiding from the original Ninja being lead by an obsessive Lloyd... (Y/N) was starting to feel trapped and it was driving her rather hostile... She was doing her best she really was but she could only take so much she wasn't perfect.

Though if you asked the Bizarro Ninja they believed she was.

Sighing (Y/N) decided to try and get some sleep but it didn't help knowing that as soon as she nodded off her mind would be tormented with nightmare-ish memories.

As the minutes past (Y/N) sweet black nothingness turned into once more to the nightmare fuel she had come familiar with.


(Y/N) was shaken awake by her four very concerned partners, she sat up swiftly, drenched in ice-cold sweat.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Bizarro Jay asked. Not trusting her voice (Y/N) nodded through her eyes darting all around the room she couldn't trust the impression of being secure.

"(Y/N) please  tell us the truth we know you haven't been getting much sleep, please  tell us the reason for these nightmares." Bizarro Kai begged in a quiet voice.

(Y/N) answered by shaking her head and pulling her knees up to her chest. She felt like she would explode.

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