5: Reporting and Testing

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When I woke up, I looked around the room in confusion. I had forgotten what had happened last night and where I was. When all the memories hit me, I fell back into bed and groaned. Who knew what they had planned today.

Right then, I heard my door open and Elizabeth's voice tell me, "Mom and Dad need you downstairs."


I pushed myself out of bed and walked down the long staircase, following the sound of voices I was led to the kitchen where a full buffet lay on the counter.

"Oh good, you're up! Help yourself to whatever and then we can head down to the police station." Annette said as she pushed a plate into my chest.

I sighed, "What are you trying to do here? Do you want me to give out our address so they can go ambush my parents and lock them away forever? They aren't bad people."

Steve looked at Annette worriedly, "We know you think that and they took care of you but in the end, they did take you from us."

They technically weren't wrong.

As I ate my breakfast I heard my ringtone going off from Annette's purse. She reached in her bag and pulled it out, "Your mother is calling."

I could see the sadness in her face as she said that. She was my biological mother, so I understood her pain of reading 'mom' when it wasn't her.

I bit my lip, "Just let it go to voicemail." 

I don't know why I said that. Why I didn't jump out of my seat and take my phone and tell her to come get me? Or warn her about this whole situation?

Annette smiled and set the phone down. A moment later, 1 New Voicemail from Mom popped up on my screen. She handed it to me and I put the phone to my ear.

Erika I don't know where you are but Janette just said you didn't come home with Stacy last night. You know my opinion on staying with Blake. Call me as soon as you get this. Love you.

I felt awful and confused in that moment. I didn't know who to trust, where to go, or how to function properly.

I felt Steve touch my shoulder, "Let's just go get this over with."

I nodded and followed him out to the car. The drive to the police station was silent. I just looked out the window at this new town and got lost in thought.


"Can I help you?" The woman at the front desk asked as we walked into the station. 

Annette leaned towards her and whispered a few words. I watched as the woman's mouth dropped open and her eyes fell on me. I felt uncomfortable and began to fiddle with my bracelet. Elizabeth noticed and put her hand on my back, "It'll all be okay."

We were led to the very back of the station into a room like the one's you see on TV. There was a long white table with a camera pointing down at us. I slowly sat into a chair between Steve and Annette. As we waited for someone to come in, Annette turned to me and said, "If you don't want to say something, you don't have to but I would really appreciate if you opened up so we can get this accurate and be rid of these people."

I didn't understand how she could be so oblivious and awful. She didn't even care that they were my parents who I loved, she just wanted them behind bars so I wouldn't ever leave again.

When we heard the door open, we all turned to see three men and two women walk in. Why did we need so many people? 

"Good morning, I want to start this off by talking to Elizabeth alone and having Erika fingerprinted and tested. Ms. Dew will lead you out." One of the men said sternly as he sat down at the table.

Steve shook his head, "They're seventeen, still minors. I'll stay with Elizabeth."

"And I'll go with Erika." Annette added as she stood up. The man nodded and I followed Annette and the woman out of the room. We went into another room where a large box sat on a table.

"These are all of the files from your case. We have fingerprints taken from items in your house the day Erika went missing so we'll need you to stamp your fingers on these sheets to match. Then when you finish, I need you to spit into this tube up until the black line and seal it. Mrs. Greene, we need you to do the same to test if she is actually your daughter." The woman ordered as soon as we walked in.

Annette scoffed, "Don't you think this is a bit much? I think I know my own daughter."

"All due respect, ma'am- it has been fourteen years since you've seen your daughter. Given the circumstances, there's a huge chance this is an imposter." Mrs. Dew explained.

I shook my head, "Imposter.. I don't even want to be here."

She shrugged and sat down, "I have to observe to make sure the samples aren't tampered with. Once we're finished we can go back to your daughter."

"I am with my daughter." Annette said shaking her head at the woman. 

I began to press each of my fingers into the black ink stamp pad and roll each onto the sheets of paper. It was a simple process and I quickly finished before moving onto the DNA testing section. It took a surprising amount of saliva to fill up the tube to the needed area. When we finished the woman took them and began to clean up the section, "We'll have the results within 3-5 days but until then we recommend you remain cautious."

I quietly laughed at how dramatic this whole situation was. They acted as if I was a criminal who was out to get them. We went back to the original room and sat down in our seats. I could tell Elizabeth was emotional.

"So, just to recap some of the information Elizabeth shared with me, you two met at a party on Chestnut Ave. last night and she convinced you that you were twins by a photo of you two and knowing where your birthmarks are. You then temporarily left to find your friend before going to the Greene's home. Is this all correct?" He asked me.


"Okay, what did you say to your friend?" 

I shrugged, "I told her what had happened and asked her to find my boyfriend for me."

He nodded, "Did you tell her to say anything to your abductors?"

"No, I didn't tell her to say anything to my parents."

The woman across from me was quickly scribbling notes down and another man was adjusting the camera to be mainly on me. I felt like I had committed some awful crime.

"Please tell us about the people you have believed to be your parents. Name, address, work occupations, anything and everything."

I sighed and began to ramble, "My parents are Mike and Lisa Fisher. We live at 128 Main Street in Coldspring. My mom works at New Age Floral Arrangements in town and my dad is an electrician. We have no pets because my mom is allergic to basically every animal besides fish. I don't really know what else to say.."

"That'll do for now. If we have any further questions we will contact you. Do you have a cell phone registered under them?" He asked as he closed his notebook.

I nodded and Annette pulled it out of her purse. After handing it to him he gave it to the woman who did my testing, "We will need to keep this in case they try to track her, contact her, or anything else suspicious. It could also be useful to finding them."

"That's my phone, you can't just take it! I have friends." I angrily pouted watching her leave the room .

Annette put her arm on mine, "We'll get you a new one, don't worry."


We left the police station and went straight back to the house. This day made nothing better and it didn't clear anything up. If anything, it made things worse. I was back to questioning if I really belonged here. There was nothing I wanted more than to be home. 

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