18: Hello Again

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When Jacob and Elizabeth came home from school, Annette decided to make a pizza for dinner. We sat around the table as a family and had dinner, which I will never get used to because my parents and I always just gave each other space.

"I still think its bull Erika got a whole day to skip school and do nothing and Elizabeth and I had to go." Jacob complained.

Steve rolled his eyes, "Yes, because you totally haven't missed a bunch of days this year already."

"Clearly I'm the best child in this family," Elizabeth bragged, "I have perfect attendance for all of high school so far."

I laughed, "Are you sure we're twins? Like clearly we're quite different."

We all helped clean up the table and dishes once we were done. Afterwards, Jacob headed out to practice with his band and Elizabeth went to hang out with some dance friends. They both invited me to go hangout but I decided I had enough socializing today and wanted to go be alone. They left and once again I was alone with Steve and Annette.

"Hey, is it alright if I walk up to the park for a bit?" I asked Annette.

"Sure," she responded, "just be back by 9:30."

I guess the park had sort of become my safe, go-to place when i needed away. The whole walk I crossed my fingers and hoped Josh wouldn't be there again. Luckily, when I got there no one else was in sight. I sighed in relief and sat down on the swing again. I closed my eyes and just let go of all the negative thoughts I had in my mind and replayed the amazing day I had today and kept the hope that I could be comfortable in this new family.

Suddenly, the peace was broken and I jumped when I heard someone behind me call my name. I turned my head around and looked, but there was no one. I shrugged and continued to lightly swing until I heard my name again.

"Hello?" I called out. My breath stopped when I saw her emerge from behind a tree.

My mom.

She quickly rushed over to me and embraced me in a hug, "Oh, Erika. I've missed you so much."

"Mom? Where have you been? Everyone is looking for you and Dad." I asked her as she remained hugging me tightly.

She shook her head, "Don't worry, dear. Everything's alright. Your father and I had to leave the area for a few days, but we've figured out a plan for you to come back with us."

"With you? Mom, I'm supposed to stay with my new family." I sighed.

She let go of me and stepped back, "New family? Is that what you're referring to them as? Erika, those people are not your family."

"They kind of are," I responded, "and you guys have hid them from me my whole life. I mean, how could you not tell me I had a twin?"

My mom scoffed, "You don't understand. I know the parents better than you do, they weren't fit to be taking care of you. You don't know who they truly are."

"Then tell me the truth!" I exclaimed.

She grabbed my hand and attempted to pull me away, "We don't have time right now. I can't be seen here. Your father is waiting for us in a car down the street, if you just come with me we can go to our new home and everything can go back to normal- the way it's supposed to be."

I laughed sarcastically, "Normal? Nothing about this is normal! You took me away from my biological parents and hid my siblings from me for fourteen years. Do you really just expect me to forget everything and leave them behind?"

She looked at me painfully, "You love them, don't you?"

I nodded, "They're my blood."

"More than me? More than your dad?" She questioned as her eyes got watery.

I paused and took a moment to think before responding carefully, "Of course I love you guys, but you can't just ask me to leave everything behind right after I got it back."

She angrily dropped my hand, "If that's the way you're going to be, then fine. We can do this the hard way."

I shook my head, "What are you talking about, Mom?"

Suddenly a car pulled into the parking lot near us. It was Josh's. He got out of his car and instantly saw us. She quickly pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, "I'll be back for you, I love you."

I watched as she ran away. Part of me wanted to follow her to figure out where she was going, but I was stuck frozen in shock.

Josh came jogging down to the swing quickly, "Was that-"

I cut him off before he got any farther, "Yes, but you didn't see anything. Promise you won't tell."

"Erika, you have to report her. At least to your parents." He pointed out.

He was right. I had promised Steve and Annette I would.

"Let me give you a ride home." He offered, holding his hand out to me.

I looked at him and saw he was genuinely concerned about me so I grabbed his hand and followed him to his car. We drove in silence.

"Erika," He asked as we pulled into my driveway, "what did she say to you?"

"She's coming back, but I don't know when."

I became quickly overwhelmed and felt myself break down into tears. I didn't know who to trust anymore. Where do I actually belong? Who was telling the truth? 


-Question for the Reader: When's your birthday?

-Author Answer: October 5th 🎃🧡

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