17: Getting to Know Them

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I woke up and groaned at the harsh light coming through my windows. I tried to fall back asleep by pushing a pillow against my face to cover the brightness, but I had already been woken up. I picked my phone up and felt my heart stop when I saw the time: 9:47 AM. 

I had completely overslept and was missing my third day of school. Why didn't Elizabeth wake me?

I quickly ran out of my room and down the steps. I saw Steve and Annette drinking their coffee at the table and smiled at me, completely unconcerned.

"I'm running late for school, why didn't anyone wake me?" I asked them in complete panic.

Annette motioned for me to sit down, "We called school and told them you weren't coming in today."

"Wait, why?" I asked her as I slowly sat down across from her.

"We figured you could use a day off. We took the day off work too so we could just spend time as a family." She told me.

I felt completely awkward now, "What about Jacob and Elizabeth?"

Steve laughed, "We've had eighteen years with Jacob and seventeen with Elizabeth. Since we only got three with you, we figured it was time to have a day with you without them."

I smiled, "Okay, yeah that would be cool. What's on the agenda?"

"That's totally up to you, but we were thinking it might be nice to go out to breakfast and just talk!" Annette suggested.

"Sure, that would be great." I said happily.


I had quickly gotten ready and met them in the car. We went to a cute, little diner in town and decided to go crazy and order way too much food for three people. The waitress gave us a confused look and told us they had large portion sizes, but we didn't care. 

While we waited for our food they told me a bit about their jobs. Annette told me she was a journalist who worked for a local newspaper and Steve was a history professor for a community college. Both jobs were actually super cool and inspired me to tell them about my parent's old jobs and what my life was like growing up. I could tell it was making them more comfortable knowing I didn't just get kidnapped and locked in a basement for my whole life like you'd see in a horror film. I had a really great childhood and my teenage years so far had been amazing.

When our food finally came, we were overwhelmed with it all. We had basically ordered half the menu and it took up our entire table. Everyone else in the diner gave us dirty looks but we just laughed and ate until we literally couldn't move. We talked for a bit longer and they continued to teach me about the family traditions and memories while I occasionally told them new facts about people who had been important in my life and things I liked. Eventually, we realized we had been in the diner for hours and decided to head home where we spent the afternoon watching movies. 

A/N: Sorry this chapter wasn't very exciting it was just kind of a necessary transition- the next one will TOTALLY make up for it.  I'll try to get it posted later today since this one was short!! Prepare for lots of drama ;)


- Question for the Reader: What's been your favorite thing you've done this summer so far?

- Author Answer: Being a summer camp instructor! 

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