40: Conclusion

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The car ride simply consisted of Annette and I catching up. I learned some good things and some not so good things.

Good: Elizabeth got a job at her favorite clothing boutique, Jacob was being recruited by a major college for basketball, and, most importantly, Steve had moved back in and they were happy again.

Bad: Josh stopped coming over and wouldn't answer anyone's calls, the school informed my parents I would have to take summer classes if I wanted to graduate on time, and rumors had been going around about me and where I had gone.

I tried not to focus on the bad things for now. None of them really mattered anyways, outside of the Josh portion. All I could think about was seeing my family again.

Soon enough, things outside the window started to become familiar. I felt like I was in a dream, blissful and happy. Eventually, I finally saw my house again. After nearly three months away, it was insane to think i was finally back, especially when I never thought I would be.

When we pulled in the driveway, everyone was sitting on the porch waiting. Steve, Jacob, Elizabeth, and even Josh. I was so excited, but also so nervous.

I looked over Annette and opened my mouth to tell her but she just simply nodded, "I'm right by your side."

I smiled and pushed the car door open. I stepped out of it and stood there for a moment. Just staring at everyone, processing that this was really happening.

Elizabeth made the first move. She began to run towards me and tackled me to the ground, "I missed you so much!"

I laughed, and cried, as I hugged her tightly. We rolled around on the ground laughing and it was an amazing feeling. Being back with my twin-- indescribable.

When we finally contained ourselves and stood up, we walked hand-in-hand over to the others. I nervously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "Hi, everyone."

Steve shook his head, "Oh, come here."

He embraced me in a hug and I heard him sniffle a tear away. I squeeze tightly onto him, "I'm so sorry."

"Do not apologize. None of this is your fault." He told me as he released me from his grip.

I frowned, "I chose to go with them. No one made me."

"Why did you leave?" Elizabeth asked.

I sighed and looked at Josh, "The night I left I was with Josh. I got a call from Mike demanding I leave with them immediately. He had found out he was our biological father and said if I didn't go, he would come after Elizabeth. I couldn't let that happen."

"You mean, you did this for me? To save me?" Elizabeth asked, a single tear rolling down her face.

I reached over and wiped the tear away, "Anything for my family."

Jacob turned and looked at Josh, "You knew this whole time and you didn't tell us?"

"No!" I exclaimed, stepping in. "Josh had no idea. I told him it was someone calling the wrong number."

I watched as Jacob's tension faded and Josh said, "This whole time I've blamed myself. I was the last one to see you before you left. I thought you ran away because of me."

I shook my head, "No, I'm sorry you thought that. I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would try to stop me."

He nodded, "I'm glad you're safe now."

Annette chimed in, "Why don't we go inside? Let's let things simmer down."


A few hours later things had almost gone back to normal. We were all just sitting in the living room, catching up and laughing together. It was such an amazing feeling to laugh with them again.

As the night wrapped up, Steve and Annette were the first to leave. They kissed us goodnight before headed to bed- leaving us four kids alone.

Jacob, Josh, Elizabeth, and I decided to put a movie on to have a calm night together. After all craziness I had experienced today- it was much needed. It was crazy to think I woke up this morning being a prisoner with no hope, and now I was right back where I belonged.

Halfway through the movie, Jacob and Elizabeth fell asleep. Josh and I sat in silence, occasionally looking over at the other when we thought they weren't looking.

"Do you love me?" He burst out.

I was completely caught off guard, "Huh?"

"Do you really love me," he repeated, "because you convinced me that night at the park but then you lied and disappeared and I've spent every second of every day since wondering what went wrong. If I could have saved you.. blaming myself.. hating myself."

Instead of answering, I just stood up and walked over to him. I stood over him, looking down at him and felt a rush of emotion.

"If you don't, I understand but I just-" he began, but I cut him off by leaning down and kissing him. It was a long kiss, much needed after all this time apart. I felt the world stop around us in that moment. No one else mattered.

When I pulled myself off of him I told him, "Of course I really love you, you idiot."

He joked, "Are you sure? Maybe if you kissed me again I would be more inclined to believe you."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him again, "There, happy now?"

He grinned at me, "Quite. We should probably wake those two up and get them to bed."

"Or," I suggested, "we could have a slumber party in the living room."

And that's just what we did. The four of us had been separated for so long that it seemed like the right thing to do. It was so comforting. I was no longer sleeping alone in a tiny room, locked away from the world. Instead, I was with my favorite people in the world.


A few months later, everything had really gone back to normal. I was taking classes online to catch up for the time I missed, Elizabeth was thriving at her job, and Josh and Jacob were preparing to leave for college on their scholarships. Somehow, Josh got recruited for basketball at the same school Jacob was for football. The world truly did work in mysterious, amazing ways. That meant it would be quick and easy to visit them both frequently and they always had each other's backs.

In addition, I reached out to Bryce a few days after I came home (after finding his number in the book) and we began to FaceTime daily- just like how things were in the store. However, that quickly ended once Elizabeth met him and they hit it off pretty quickly. He began to visit us every few weeks and needless to say- they're now in the annoying honeymoon phase of their relationship where they're completely obsessed with each other. However, given their personalities, I'm guessing this phase will not burn out quickly. They truly are a match made in heaven, happily in love.

Of course, I couldn't forget about Becca and Tony. I reached out to them a couple weeks after coming back home and rekindled our friendships. I would forever be grateful for everything they had done for me.

Now you're probably wondering, what happened to Mike and Lisa. Well, we quickly received news that Mike had been found passed out drunk on the side of the road. Classic, Mike. Anyways- they are both being charged with child abduction and neglect. They'll be in jail for a long time and Mike's paternal rights had been revoked, permanently.

I was finally free from my abductors.

A/N: AHH omg, I'm actually crying right now! I can't believe this is over! I have started and deleted SO many stories on wattpad and Abduction is only my second story to be completed. I want to give an extra special thank you to @Prisky0731 for always voting, commenting, suggesting amazing ideas, and just pushing me to continue this story! Without all of you, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much <3


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