25: Shocking News

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So, what does this mean exactly?" I asked Josh confusedly.

He shrugged, "Whatever you want it to. We could continue on as friends-"

"Friends who obviously like each other as more." I commented.

"Right, or we could take it farther." He offered smiling at me.

I nodded, "I like that option more."

Everything was falling back into place. I felt at home here. Steve and Annette were actually treating me like their daughter, not a stranger, my siblings loved me, and I had amazing friends again. It made my old life seem so strange, as if it never even happened.

Jacob abruptly flung open my door, "Alright, I need Josh back. Liz sucks at video games."

"Rude!" Elizabeth's voice yelled from across the hall.

I laughed and watched Josh head towards the door. Before leaving, he turned around and told me, "I'll text you later."

When he left, I let out slight squeal of excitement. I had never been happier than I was in that moment. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Becca the news before turning on music and beginning to have a dance party around my room.

I felt like nothing could ever top this feeling. I was truly happy. That is, until I looked out my window and saw him. It couldn't be.

I felt my breath stopped as I slowly stepped closer to the window. I looked at the male figure in the middle of the yard. It was Mike, my other dad.

I felt like I wasn't in my body as I slowly snuck down the stairs. My feet led me to the back door while my mind was elsewhere.

When I got to the door and opened it, he looked at me with a huge smile and opened his arms for a hug. I quickly walked over to him and hugged him tightly, "Are you crazy? What are you doing here?"

He quickly told me, "I can't stay long. Is there somewhere we could talk without them seeing me?"

"No, Dad. You need to leave." I said sternly.

He was clearly taken aback, "Leave? Erika, aren't you happy to see me?"

I sighed, "Of course I am, but you can't be coming to the house. I shouldn't even be seeing you."

"I see they've already brainwashed you to hate your mother and I." Mike concluded.

"Dad-" I began, but he quickly cut me off.

"No, I don't have time for this," He growled, " there's just something you need to know. I'm sure they haven't told you."

Finally. Someone was offering me the truth.

I raised my eyebrows and listened to him say, "I am your father."

"Okay, now I don't have time for this." I said, turning around and heading back to the house. I was sick of their games.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me back around, "Erika, you aren't getting it. I am your father."

I looked at him blankly, "You were my father."

I began to walk away again until I heard him say, "Annette and I had an affair. There is a chance you girls are my biological daughters, not Steve's."

My whole body went numb. I froze in place, unable to look at him or speak. Annette and Mike had been together?

"I know you probably have tons of questions, and I can answer them if you'd just come with me." He begged, grabbing my hands.

I opened my mouth to speak until I heard Annette scream from behind me, "Get away from her!"

Mike quickly reached into his pocket, took out a piece of paper, and slipped it into my hand before sprinting out of the yard. I watched as he faded from view until he was completely gone. Annette ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. She shook as she cried and looked over my whole body, "Are you okay? What did he say to you? What did he do? Why was he here?"

I quickly stormed past her back into the house. She followed closely behind me and continued to scream my name, "Erika! Erika! Erika, stop it! Erika, talk to me!"

I spun around and looked her dead in the eyes. I felt tears stream down my face as I questioned angrily, "How could you hide the fact that Mike could be my real dad?"

Question for the Reader: What class are you most excited about this school year?

Author Answer: Psychology!

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