23: Coffee & Friends

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honk honk

"Elizabeth, hurry up!" I yelled up the stairs.

I heard her footsteps running down the stairs and froze when I saw her shirt. We were wearing the same, striped top. The only difference was that hers was pink and mine was yellow. We also had very similar, light wash shorts with tears on the bottom.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned.

She bursted out laughing and we heard Becca honk once again, "Too late to change, twinnie."

I rolled my eyes and we rushed out of the house. Becca began giggling as soon as we got into her car, "Wait, which one of you is Erika?"

"Hilarious." I said as I rolled my eyes.

She faked a gasp, "Wow, Elizabeth I didn't know you were so rude!"

Knowing she full well knew I was Erika I lightly punched her arm and laughed, "Shut up and drive."


We arrived at the coffee shop to find Tony already waiting at a table with all our drinks.

"I already knew what Liz would want, so I got Erika the same thing," he explained as we sat down, "and the barista said you're here like every day and get the same thing, Becca."

She smiled, "Yeah, thanks. This place is my favorite. I'd come here over Starbucks any day."

I laughed and took a sip of the coffee, it was very sweet and tasted of caramel, my favorite.

"So, how did you and Elizabeth meet?" Becca asked as she swirled her drink around.

Tony quickly responded, "Sixth grade, we had the exact same schedule. In first hour, we had assigned seats next to each other and had to do this ice breaker game and we just clicked. Ever since then, we've always been best friends. Not a single fight, ever."

"Oh, come on. You must have had some arguments. Especially about boys." Becca pointed out.

"Nope. We have a list of rules to prevent that from happening." Elizabeth added.

I laughed, "Friendship rules? Do share."

She smiled and pulled out a piece of wrinkled paper from her purse. I carefully read the faint writing:

1. Every Sunday night is reserved for our hang-outs

2. Homework assignments must be split if we want to copy off each other so no one is doing more work

3. Never ditch the other at social events

4. NEVER go after the same boys! All crushes must be shared to avoid drama.

5. Elizabeth's brother is off limits to Tony and vise versa.

The list continued on for awhile and I eventually handed it back to her questioning, "Why don't you guys just write this online or memorize it?"

"Well, of course it's memorized! We made it in sixth grade. This is just the original version that I keep. We also add on if anything comes up." Elizabeth explained.

Becca leaned over to me and whispered, "If we ever get this freaky, I'm ending our friendship."

I giggled and Elizabeth pouted, "Secrets don't make friends!"

I shrugged, "But they do make the bond stronger between the two sharing the secret."

Tony rolled his eyes and interrupted, "So, does anyone have any current drama to share?"

Becca and Elizabeth instantly looked over at me. I felt my face grow red and I shook my head, "Nope. Nothing good."

Elizabeth scoffed, "C'mon, Erika. Just tell him! He won't tell anyone."

"Yeah, spill the tea, sis." Tony inquired.

I sighed and began to explain everything about Josh. From meeting, to hanging out at the park, Jacob telling me not to talk to him, Josh finding me and my other mom, and finally what had happened last night.

 When I finished his mouth dropped, "This is totally unfair. You go missing for fourteen years and the minute you come back you get the hottest guy in the school!" 

We all laughed and let the conversation continue to snowball. The four of us sat in the coffee shop bonding for what felt like forever and I never wanted it to end.

A/N: So this chapter was short and simple, but I'll make sure to post another soon that's much better! I'm also going to add on a character dictionary with a short description of each character for y'all to refer to from now on! I know that whenever I read books I sometimes get characters mixed up or forget facts about them, especially when I read ones on wattpad that have spaced out updates! 

Question for the Reader: What's your favorite TV show? (You may list multiple if you can't decide on just one!!)

Author Answer: Riverdale and Greys Anatomy 👩🏻‍⚕️

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