24: There's More There

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When Becca dropped Elizabeth and I off that afternoon, I noticed Josh's car in the driveway. 

"Well, looks like things really are back to normal." Elizabeth commented as she rushed to the door.

I followed closely behind her to find Jacob and Josh playing video games in his bedroom. Surprise, surprise.

"Hey, got room for another player?" Elizabeth asked excitedly

Jacob shook his head, "You're the worst at video games, Liz."

Josh chuckled, "You can take my spot. I was going to go talk to Erika for awhile if she's free?"

I nodded and he followed me over to my room. We both sat down on my bed and I looked over at him, "What's up?"

He shrugged, "I just want to spend more time with you, I really enjoy getting to know you."

"Oh, well I enjoy getting to know you too," I responded quickly, "so you and Jake have seemed to get back into your old ways quickly."

"Yeah, while we disagree on the best sport, we agree on all the same video games. It's just a nice, chill way to spend the evening! Plus, we've got to make up for all this lost time," Josh explained, "by the way, I never thanked you for yesterday. I appreciate you giving me a shot to explain myself and then standing up to Jake for me. "

I nodded, "Don't mention it. You were there for me in a tough time so you deserved it."

Josh bit his lip, "Right, with your fake parents."

"Other parents." I corrected him. 

"What's the difference?" He questioned.

"They weren't fake when they raised me. Sure, they aren't my legal or biological parents, but they still worked to give me the life I had. I just prefer people refer to them as my other parents, rather than fake parents or anything else negative." I explained.

"Even after you found out they abducted you, prevented you from ever knowing the truth and growing up here, and even threatened you the other night.. you still consider them to be your parents?" Josh puzzled.

I sighed, "It's hard to explain. Everything in my life is confusing right now."

"Even me?" He joked, lightly pushing my shoulder.

"Actually, if we're being open and honest, yes." I confessed.

He frowned, "Wait, for real? What's confusing? I feel like I've been real."

I nodded, "Yeah, of course! It's just.. I don't know what your intent is. Like, for all I know you could just talking to me because I'm the mysterious, new girl at school who has a dark past everyone is gossiping about."

"Of course that's not true, Erika. I'm talking to you because I enjoy being around you. You're beautiful, brilliant, and just plain interesting, even without the whole being kidnapped thing."

I lightly laughed, "Well thanks. Also, while we're on the topic, uh.. Elizabeth seems to be sure that you've got a crush on me."

"A...crush?" He asked laughing.

I felt my face grow red, I felt so stupid. Of course he thought it was hilarious. Why would a guy as popular and hot as Josh ever like me. 

"You don't have to be so obviously against it," I said as I awkwardly crossed my arms and looked down, "I told her she was crazy, but she kept pushing. Apparently you look at me differently, but I guess it's probably just because we're used to everyone else looking at me like the kidnapped girl." 

Josh quickly stopped laughing, "I didn't mean to be rude, I just haven't heard anyone use the word 'crush' since middle school. It's not that I don't like you."

"Okay, I'm really confused," I confessed, "like you open up to me about yourself and listen to everything I have to say, then you start talking flirty to me last night before Jake came home, and Elizabeth and Becca think-"

"Erika," he said cutting me off, "anyone with a brain can tell that I like you.. except you apparently."

I looked up at him timidly, "Wait, like-"

"Like, there's more there than just my best friend's little sister or the kidnapped girl." He responded.

I nodded, "So like, a good friend."

"More than that." He concluded.

We sat in silence looking at each other. I couldn't believe what he was saying. Josh freaking Harrison was attracted to me.

Eventually, he broke the silence, "Obviously this doesn't have to change anything. I know you just want to remain neutral and I'm totally cool with that."

I shook my head, "That's not necessarily true. I really like you, but I don't know if you understand how freaky my life is."

"Well, then let me find out." 

Question for the Reader: When do you go back to school?

Author Answer: I move to college Aug. 15th and start classes on the 20th!

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