28: In Dangers Way

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I looked down at my phone one last time to reread the conversation I had just had. My hands were shaking and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. 

Erika: I need to talk to you. Meet me somewhere?

Mike: Of course, sweetheart. The park @ 11:30.

Erika: See you then. Don't bring Lisa

I knew this was a bad choice. I snuck out of the house and would be in so much trouble if anyone found out I was here, but I had no other option. I wasn't just doing this for me, it was for Elizabeth and the rest of the family.

I instantly saw him sitting on the park bench. His back was to me so he didn't know I was coming. My mind filled up with negative thoughts. I should just turn around and go home. This could get bad, really quickly.

Mike was clearly anxious, looking around in all directions for the police or other people. I sighed when he saw me and waved. 

"You okay?" He asked as I sat down next to him.

I nodded, "Annette told me the full story."

"You girls deserved to know." He reminded me smiling.

"Look, I'm gonna get right to the point," I confessed, "I want to find out who my real dad is."

"Erika-" He groaned.

I shook my head, "No, Mike. I want to know. Elizabeth and I deserve to be able to figure out the truth. Annette and Steve need to know, hell so do Lisa and Jacob. Let me DNA test with you. Steve won't and-"

"It's too risky, besides I don't think Annette really wants to know. If it's me, everything will change. You realize that right?" 

I quickly snapped back, "It's changed already. Jacob and Steve left us."

"Just like how you left your mother and I." He pointed out angrily.

I quickly realized this was planned. He wanted revenge. I left them. Steve and Annette stole me back from them. He had information on her and wanted to hurt the family like they had hurt him. 

Without even thinking I said, "I want to see her."

"Lisa? I thought you said not to-" He began.

"I changed my mind. I miss you guys." 

He grinned widely, "I parked the car over there. Let's go."


The car I got into was not the one they have had my whole life. It had to have been stolen. What other crimes did they commit? 

The whole ride I felt my heart beating widely. My hands grew sweaty and I regret this decision more and more every second. As Mike droned on about how much he missed me, I slowly took my phone out and opened Becca's messages. I tapped "share my location" and texted her, "Don't panic or tell anyone."

Mike cleared his throat, "So, we've been staying at this motel. It's small and not the cleanest, but it's cheap."

"How haven't you gotten caught? Everyone's looking for you." 

He parked the car and reached into the back seat, pulling a wig out. "We've been wearing wigs when we do go out, but we avoid it as much as possible."

I followed him to the room and saw Lisa sitting on the bed, smoking a cigarette. 

"Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed when she saw me. I felt her arms tighten around me as she embraced me in a hug. 

"Hey, Mom." I mumbled. This felt weird. I didn't feel like she was my mom anymore.

She smiled at me as she walked over to an ashtray in the room, "I was quite hurt when your father said you didn't want me to go to the park with him, but now I understand why. You're finally ready to leave with us!"

I shook my head, "No, that's not it."

"Then what are you here for?" She pouted, crossing her arms.

I bit my lip and lied, "I just missed you guys. I'm not ready to leave yet so I wanted to visit."

Lisa's frown slowly went back to a grin, "You said leave yet. So you will be ready to leave them soon?

I looked around for something to avoid the question and my eyes landed on the bathroom, "I have to pee."

She laughed at me, "That's my Erika, always saying whatevers on your mind."

I laughed alongside her and wandered over to the bathroom. I turned on the sink and splashed some water into my face. This was so dangerous. I had no idea what they were planning out there.

I looked down at the sink while I worried and saw random toiletries scattered across it. I turned around, locked the door, and began to stuff random items of Mike's into my purse. Toothbrush, comb, used Q-tips, anything that I may be able to use for the test.

I flushed the empty toilet, turned on the sink water again, and washed my hands before exiting the bathroom. I pretended to groan and hold my stomach as I walked out.

"I think I need to go back," I told them, "I feel sick and just want to go to bed."

Lisa frowned, "So soon? You just got here, we've hardly had time to catch up."

I nodded, "I know, but I also don't want to get caught and get you guys in trouble."

Mike sat down next to Lisa on the bed, "Listen, Erika. This has gone on far too long. We can just leave tonight and get away from here, start fresh."

"I'm not ready yet." I stuttered.

He raised his eyebrow, "What is there that you could possibly need to stay for?"

"Uh.. Elizabeth! I can't leave her." I replied quickly. He was catching on.

Lisa laughed, "Of course not, we wouldn't expect you to leave her behind. She'd come with."

I felt my body tense up, "Come with? You don't seriously think she would just leave our mom, do you?"

"I'm sure it wouldn't be ideal, but she would have you and your father." Lisa explained.

I lied again, "I just want to go back to the house. My stomach is killing me. I think I ate something bad earlier."

"Then we'll upgrade to a double room so you can rest before we leave." Mike suggested as he raised his eyebrows at me, he had an annoyed tone of voice.

I realized he wasn't taking me back. I had to get out of here myself. If I didn't act fast, I could be stuck here and be forced to stay with them.

I quickly sprinted over to the door and flung it open. I heard them calling my name as they chased me, but I just kept running. They couldn't follow me too far unless they wanted to be seen by someone. I felt myself growing tired and weak, but I just kept going.

I turned around to see how close they were, it was a safe distance but not far enough to stop. Unfortunately, while I was looking back, I didn't see the pole right in front of me that I ran into. I fell straight onto my butt and scraped the back of my leg open.

"Erika!" I heard someone scream, but it wasn't Mike or Lisa.

I looked across the street to see Becca. I quickly picked myself up and ran over to her. She grabbed my hand and we ran together to her car. As we got into her car and sped off.,I watched in the side mirror as Mike and Lisa grew smaller until they faded completely out of my sight.

Question for the Reader: What was the last movie you watched?

Author Answer: Before I Wake 

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