22: Twin Time

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A/N: I'm so so sorry its been like a week since i've uploaded! I hit serious "creators block" and had no motivation at all, plus i've been extremely busy with my family and preparing to move out in a few weeks! Hope you all enjoy this little chapter :)

"Erika?" Elizabeth asked pushing my door open the next morning.

I yawned and sat up in bed, "Yeah?"

She came over and sat next to me, "We should do something together. I feel like we haven't gotten to be alone together since the party."

I quickly realized she was right. I had gotten so caught up in my own drama and spending time with other people I forgot to remember my own twin.

"Well, Mom suggested that we could go to the mall together when I first got here. I bet she would still let us!" I suggested.

Elizabeths' face lit up, "That would be so fun! I'll go get ready, meet you downstairs in an hour."


"I'm not too sure, girls. Mike and Lisa are still out there and I just don't think either of you should be alone with them as a threat." Annette lectured as we begged to go out to the mall.

"But we wouldn't be alone! Besides, they would be stupid to come to such a public place. They're all over the news, everyone's looking." I pointed out.

She thought for a moment, "What if Jacob went with you guys?"

Elizabeth and I both exclaimed, "No!"

"I'm truly hurt and offended," Jacob sarcastically remarked from the kitchen table.

I flipped him off from behind my back and heard him laugh. Annette eventually caved in, "Fine, but cell phones stay on and if I text or call then I expect a response immediately."

Elizabeth mocked her by saluting and I tried to suppress a laugh. She quickly grabbed the car keys from the counter and we dashed out the door before Annette could change her mind.


"I can't believe they both just left you!" Elizabeth exclaimed when I finished telling her about Stacy and Blake. We had decided to just spend time in the food court once we finished shopping some to talk.

I shrugged, "Everything from my past was fake. I had fake parents, fake friends, and a fake boyfriend. But that means everything is real now. I have my real parents, real friends, and real siblings."

She smiled and winked, "Maybe a real boyfriend too."

I laughed, "Yeah right. Who do you have in mind?"

"Well, Josh of course." She responded.

I nearly choked, "Josh? Why would-"

"Oh, don't even try," she laughed, "the way you two look at each other is insane. It's like you're freaking soul mates or something."

I bit my lip and shrugged, "I don't think he actually likes me like that and I doubt Jacob would be cool with it. Besides, I'm not even sure how I feel yet."

"Erika, trust me," Elizabeth said, "if I know anyone, it's Josh. He likes you, a lot."

I rolled my eyes, "So- what about you?"

She raised her eyebrows, "What about me?"

"Tell me about your boys!" I pleaded excitedly.

She shook her head, "There are none."

"Yeah, right. You're gorgeous, Liz. There must be someone." I pointed out.

"Nope. I don't really talk to guys, or anyone for that matter, much. It's always just been Tony and I." She replied.

I was shocked. I would have expected Elizabeth to be swarming with guys her entire life.

"Well, Becca asked me to go to the cafe with her this weekend. Maybe you and Tony could come too and we could all hang out?" I suggested.

Elizabeth grinned, "That would be great. I'll text him now."

I shook my head and grabbed her hand, "Do it later, let's go spend some more money."

She laughed, "Now that's my twin."


Question for the Reader: What is your favorite store?

Author Answer: Target ❤️

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