30: Confusion

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The next day at school I felt uneasy. Becca refused to talk to me, everyone was still looking at me like an alien, my mind was full of thoughts about yesterday, everything was just adding up. 

When I passed Josh in the hall on the way to government, he instantly knew something was up. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder and he pulled me off to the side of the hallway, "What's up?"

"Nothing?" I was bad at lying to him.

He frowned, "What are you hiding?"

"It's a family thing." I stated as I began to walk away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Did something else happen when I left yesterday?"

I felt my eyes wander to all the people passing by and spotted Jacob. I began to push my way through the sea of people yelling, "Jake! Jake, hold up!"

He ignored me and kept walking. I continued to follow me and saw Josh rush ahead and grab his shoulder, "Dude, don't you hear Erika?"

Jacob harshly shoved Josh away from him and he stumbled back against the lockers. Everyone stopped and stared, forming a circle around the two of them.

"Don't touch me!" Jacob spat as Josh brushed himself off.

I pushed my way through the people again and stepped between the two of them, telling Josh, "Let's just leave him alone."

"No," Josh replied, "What's his issue?"

"My issue is her," Jacob said pointing at me, "plus Elizabeth and my mom."

"You can't blame them for what happened." Josh pointed out, stepping closer to Jacob.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Just stay away from me."

"Jake, you're my brother, I can't just stay away from you." I argued.

He laughed, "Am I really though? Cause at this point, I don't know."

The crowd oo'd and he shoved his way back through, disappearing from view. Josh opened his mouth to say something but I just shook my head, "Don't. This wouldn't have happened if you would have just dropped it."

I stormed my way out of the crowd and to class, questioning if things would ever be normal again.


"Alright, so what's this I hear about needing a paternity test?" Tony questioned as I sat down at the lunch table.

I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a large ziplock bag with all the items I had taken from Mike, "Will any of this work?"

After inspecting the bag he responded, "Yeah, I can figure this out. I'll send this stuff into the lab along with some of your guy's DNA samples."

Elizabeth shook her head, "No, T. I already told you I'm never going to be apart of one of your experiments again."

Tony groaned, "Come on, Liz. I'm not even gonna do anything with it. All you have to do is use a cotton swap on the inside of your mouth, seal it in a bag, and I'll send it with this stuff."

"Pleeease." I begged Elizabeth in an angelic voice.

She looked back and forward between Tony and I before sighing, "Fine, but only because I want Dad and Jake back."

I squealed in excitement, "Alright, it's official. Plan 'find out our real dad is' is now in action!"

"Wait. was it not already in action when you met up with your kidnappers yesterday?" Elizabeth joked, throwing a french fry at me.

I rolled my eyes as her and Tony laughed but all I could think about was how happy I was to be on the right track.

Question for the Reader: Who is your favorite Disney princess?

Author Answer: I love Belle and Rapunzel! 

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