19: Unsafe

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A/N: I totally forgot that I'm going out of town again Sunday-Tuesday, I'm not sure how much free time I'll have to write so keep your eyes on the conversation portion of my page to find out when updates will be up!

"What do you want me to do? Should i go in and get your parents for you?" Josh worried as I sat in his car crying.

I shook my head, "Can i just stay here?"

"Yeah, of course. Whatever you need, Erika." He comforted me as he put his arm on my back and pulled me in towards him.

We sat like that for awhile. No one talked. It was just me crying onto Josh's shirt. I felt pathetic, but he made me feel okay.

Josh suddenly pushed me up and told me, "Jacob's home."

Great. Just what I needed.

I looked in the side mirror as Jacob speed walked over to the car and pounded on Josh's side. He rolled down the window and Jacob leaned in, "You've got quite the nerve coming back here again."

He looked over at me, "And I can't believe after you found out the truth about this guy you'd choose him over me."

I wiped my eyes, "Jake, you need to go inside."

"Wait, are you crying," he asked before looking back at Josh, "I swear to God if you hurt her-"

"Jacob, shut up!" I yelled. They both looked over at me but i just got out of the car and slammed the door shut. I felt myself begin to cry again so I just went straight inside the house. I could hear Jacob following me but I didn't turn around or stop.

When I got in the house Steve was looking out the window as usual. He saw me and instantly realized something was wrong.

"What happened?" He asked me as he rushed over to give me a hug.

In between sniffling back tears i said, "I saw my mom."

He pushed me back and looked at me worriedly. I broke down and cried, "Please don't hate me."

"Erika," He warned, "you need to tell me exactly what happened."

I nodded and felt Jacob come push me towards the living room. The three of us sat down and they waited for me to explain what had happened.

"So you didn't know she was going to be there?" Steve confirmed once i had finished

I shook my head, "No, but she said she would be back for me. I don't know when, but I'm scared. She seemed.. different. It wasn't the mom i remember, she was cold and just wanted me to leave with her right on the spot. She wanted me to forget you guys."

Steve stood up, "I'm calling the police. Maybe they can catch her since we know she's in the area."

I nodded, "She said my Dad was in the street waiting for us in the car. If it's still the car we used to have it's a red Ford Fusion."

When he left the room to call, Jacob apologized. "I'm sorry for pushing you and accusing you with Josh. I just hate him."

"It's okay," I assured him, "if josh weren't there I don't know what i would have done."

"Were you scared?" He asked.

I sighed, "No, not at first. She's my mom, i was excited. But then she flipped and got angry when she found out I cared about you guys and didn't want to go with her. I just don't feel safe here anymore. She knows where we live, what if she comes here?"

He replied, "She won't. That's just a dumb move. Besides, we have high security since you got kidnapped."

I slightly laughed. Of course they would step up their security game after losing a child.

Steve came back to the room and reported, "They're our looking now."

I sighed in relief and stood up, "I'm going to go shower and go to bed."

"Erika," Steve began, "wait. I need to ask you something."

I looked over at him and he questioned, "What made you do this? Why didn't you just leave with them and not look back? Why are you here telling us about it?"

I bit my lip, "Well, I was tempted to. They were the people I called my parents for the last fourteen years, but now they're just on the run and refusing to tell me the truth. It felt like the woman I called mom is now just a shell and everything really was a lie. She was scary and just expected me to forget everyone, but how could I forget my siblings? How could I forget my real parents?"

Steve smiled lightly, "You've never referred to us as your real parents."

"I guess I never thought you were until now." I confessed.

He responded, "I'm really proud of you, you made the right choice. You can go shower now. Goodnight."

I smiled, "Thanks. Goodnight, Jake. Goodnight...Dad."


Question for the Reader: What's your favorite genre of books? 📖

Author Answer: Romance 💙👫

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