26: Could it Be?

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Previously: I felt tears stream down my face as I questioned angrily, "How could you hide the fact that Mike could be my real dad?"

"What did she just say?" Steve asked from the doorway. I turned around to see Steve, Jacob, Josh, and Elizabeth all looking at Annette and I. Her face was pale and she began to stutter. It was clear Mike had told the truth.

"You guys don't understand." She said as she panicked.

I rolled my eyes, "What's there to understand? You had an affair."

Steve walked over to her and asked, "Is it true?"

Annette looked down, "It was before the girls were born. You were working all the time, we were constantly fighting."

Steve shook his head, "I can't believe you'd do this to our family. If it even is our family anymore."

Annette began to explain, "I don't know who the girls biological father is, but that doesn't matter! You raised them."

"I raised one of them." He corrected before leaving the room. I looked over to see Elizabeth crying, Josh standing in shock, and Jacob staring down Annette.

We heard a door slam and saw Steve coming down the stairs with a large suitcase. He was leaving us.

"Steve! Don't do this, please! Let me explain!" Annette begged as she chased him towards the door.

Jacob grabbed her arm and held her back, "Let him go, Mom."

I could tell Jacob was both angry and sad. He looked over at me and spat, "This is all your fault."

"My fault?" I puzzled.

Josh stepped in, "Think before you say something you don't mean, Jake."

Jacob huffed and ran up the stairs. Yet again, we heard the door slam. The four of us stood in silence, shocked at what all had just happened.

"Josh, I think it's best you leave." Annette spoke silently.

He looked over at me and I nodded in agreement. This wasn't his problem and we needed to figure this whole situation out. He quickly left the house without another word.

"Are we really that man's children?" Elizabeth cried.

Annette wiped her tears away and shook her head, "No, of course not, hun."

She lightly smiled until i asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Annette bit her lip and looked down, proving she wasn't sure at all. I sighed and headed up the stairs to Jacob's room. I knocked on the door and heard nothing so I tried twisting the doorknob but it was locked.

"Jake? It's Erika." I told him as I knocked again.

I heard loud music turn on in the room and he refused to answer me. Obviously he wanted to be alone. Knowing I could use alone time myself, I headed into my room and locked my door as well.

I pulled the note out of my pocket that Mike had handed me before running away to see:

Erika- Please let me explain myself. Text me at this number but do not let anyone know. This is a burner phone and will only be active for the next 48 hours.

I pulled out my phone and typed in the numbers he had scribbled down. I quickly sent a text and began to converse with him.

Erika: Hey, it's me.

Mike: Erika. Is everything okay with Annette?

Erika: It's fine. Steve left.

Mike: Sorry. Was hoping no one would see me

Erika: Well what did you expect? You came to their house, the same place you guys took me before

Mike: Do you still not understand why i took you?

Erika: Not really

Mike: There's a chance you are my daughter. I didn't want him raising you and Annette refused to let me DNA test to be sure, so I took matters into my own hands

Erika: Why didn't you ever DNA test once you had me to be sure?

Mike: You were reported kidnapped. There was no way to know, if i sent in our DNA samples the cops would take you away, but i knew i loved you

Erika: Mom knew about Annette?

Mike: Yes, we were separated at the time and both had seen other people. It was all Annette's fault that this whole situation happened

Erika: Why did you leave Elizabeth and only take me?

Mike: I knew the pain of having your children raised by someone else. Since there's a chance I'm not actually your girl's biological father i only took one

I angrily threw my phone across my bed and let out a groan. This whole mess had just gotten more complicated than I could have ever imagined. Right when I thought I had it figured out, life put me back to having no idea at all.


I woke up to hearing people yelling and doors slamming. Upon checking my phone, i saw it was 3:08 AM. I listened closely to the screams as I slowly woke up.

"Jacob, please don't do this!" Annette's voice boomed.

"Don't leave me!" Elizabeth begged.

I heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs and quickly ran to my door. I looked down to see Jacob carrying a huge duffel bag and quickly pieced the pieces together to realize he was going away with Steve.

I yelled, "Jake!" But it was too late, he simply looked up at me and shook his head before slamming the front door shut. I ran down the stairs and out the door to see him getting into Steve's car. As it drove away I ran after it, but of course I couldn't keep up. I stopped halfway down the road, fell to my knees, and cried as i knew Jacob and Steve were gone.

Question for the Reader: Do you have any pets?

Author Answer: I have 4 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 Russian tortoises!

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