33: And the Results Are...

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Another week had passed. A week without my brother and father. A week with an angry mother and a distant sister. A week with a boyfriend and best friend who were avoiding me. A week wondering where my kidnappers were. 

It was living hell. 

I knew I had no one but myself to blame. I had shut out and pushed everyone away. It was lonely.

My days at school were always slow and boring. I was basically a zombie, just dragging myself from class to class and avoiding everyone. I had trained myself to block out all the gossip going on about me and my family so all I heard was my teachers lecturing, and even that I barely listened to. 

Lunch stayed the same though. It was always Tony, Elizabeth, and I. However, we usually didn't talk. Sometimes Tony would try to hype us up by talking about some new nerdy thing he found and we would just smile and nod. I felt bad he was being brought down by our emotions, but I couldn't bring myself to fake being happy for him, or anyone for that matter.

Today at lunch was different though. Usually Tony was the first one there, and today Elizabeth and I couldn't find him anyone. We tried texting but he didn't answer. I began to worry he was upset with us.

After what felt like forever, the lunch bell rang and I saw Tony running in. He pushed his way through the sea of people headed out of the lunch room until he got to us. He was breathing heavily and held up a large envelope.

"Tony? What's wrong?" I worried, handing him my water bottle.

He took a chug of it and told me in between gasps of air, "The....results...are...here."

My eyes widened and I snatched the envelope from his hands. Sure enough, I saw it was the results to the paternity test.

"When are you gunna open it?" Elizabeth excitedly asked leaning over to look at it.

I shrugged, "I don't think I can spend another two hours here knowing the answer we've wanted the last month is just sitting in my backpack."

"Let's just go home then." She suggested.

I laughed, "Right, because you would skip school." 

"For something as big as this I would!" She defended herself.

Tony gasped, "Goodie, goodie Elizabeth is suggesting to skip school? You have to do it then." 

We all laughed. This was the first time in a week I had laughed. When we stopped, I realized if the results weren't what we wanted, it could be the last time for a long time too.


"Girls? What are you doing home so early?" Annette questioned as Elizabeth and I threw our backpacks on the kitchen floor.

I held up the envelope, "Do you want to find out with us?"

You could physically see Annette's worry. I felt really bad for her but she nodded and we all sat down at the barstools by the counter. I slowly tore the manilla envelope open and took out a sheet of paper. 

"Paternity test results," I read out loud, "when compared to the two cotton swap samples of twin teenage girls, there is a 50% lineup of DNA with the samples sent in. This...."

I trailed off and read the rest silently. Elizabeth shook her head, "50%? What does that mean?"

I set down the paper and looked between Annette and Elizabeth, "You and I have a 100% genetic overlap since we're identical twins and a 50% genetic overlap constitutes as a mother or father."

"So, Mike is our dad?" Elizabeth whispered.

I frowned, "Yeah. Mike is our dad."

Question for the Reader: What is your favorite song at the moment?

Author Answer:  Powerlines - Riz La Vie 

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