Chapter Three- The Pack

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Trees zoomed past my eyes when I woke up, the familiar feeling of car sickness swept over me. I yawned stretching out my arms. "Where we going Soph?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Soph? Im Jax" A deep voice chuckled causing me to whip my head around. It was the wolf man again for the second time today. Why was in in his car?

"You fainted" he explained like he read my mind. "So you decided to kidnap me?" I squealed my hand reaching for the door handle. What was wrong with this man?

"Im doing 90, i wouldn't try to open that door if I was you" he smiled innocently. "Im taking you to meet the pack, well more importantly to meet the Alpha" he explained turning his full attention to the road.

"The Alpha?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, the Alpha. His name is Kinnon. Hes the leader of our pack. You will respect him" he explained as I sat there in disbelief. Packs? Alphas? My mind was running on over drive as pain coarsed through my bones causing me to hug myself.

"Do I have a choice in coming with you or not?" I asked.

"No" was his simply and brief reply. Anger began to build up inside me. Who does this man think he is? He bites me, tells me im going to turn into a wolf and then he kidnaps me telling me that he's taking me to meet some random dude with a weird name.

We drove for 30 minutes in silence as my anger began to reach boiling point. Driving into a clearing in the woods, we made our way onto a dirt path driving deeper into the forest. Small houses began to appear at the side of the road there was too many for me to count. This pack must have been large.

"We're here" Jax spoke drawing my attention to the large cabin house infront of us.

As soon as the car stopped we exited the car making our way to the front of the house. Before we could get there the cabin doors swung open and a massive man walked out. The sheer sight of him had my body shaking with a mixture of fear and excitement. He was a god.

Midnight dark hair was swept back from his face complementing his grey eyes. Every muscle from his arms to his waist could be seen through his shirt. This mans body looked like it had been hand carved from marble. He was perfection. He must have been easily over 6ft 2.

"Kinnon, this is..." Jax began to say before a fist smashed into his face with such force it knocked him to the ground.

"What have you done Jax!" Kinnon roared making my body tremble with fear. Kinnon raised his fist slamming into into Jax face once again.

"You have put us all in danger" he continued as his grey eyes began to flash gold. Jax just sat there taking the beating from this monster. Kinnon raised his fist a third time ready to hit him. "Stop!" I shouted sprinting forward I grabbed his arm to stop him from beating Jax.

The moment our skin came into contact electricity surged through my body. Easing the burning feeling that pained my body.

Kinnon turned his face towards mine staring straight into my eyes. This was the first time we had made eye contact. His grey eyes peered into mine like they where looking straight into my soul.

In an instant his eyes turned liquid gold as he reached his free arm around my waist. My body relaxed into his touch as my arms dropped to my side. The pull I felt towards him was unexplainable.

Mine a voice growled in my head causing me to snap back to reality.

I placed my hands on Kinnons chest, shoving him back with all the force i could muster. He hardly moved.

"Stay away from him" I scowled standing infront of Jax to protect him. Kinnon's eyes danced back and forth between grey and gold.

"Move" he commanded as my body began to move forward on its own as I fought against it. Why couldn't I stop myself from walking? A growl left my lips as I fought against the unnatural force that moved my body.

"Kinnon enough" I heard a female voice say from behind him. I watched as a godess of a woman walked over to the beautiful man infront of me. She wrapped her arms around him causing his eyes to leave mine.

Jealousy swept through me causing the burning feeling in my body to become unbearable. My vision began to blur and my body was dripping with sweat. I couldn't bear to look at them anymore. I walked back over to Jax pleading to him with my eyes.

"Take me home please" I whispered as tears threatened to leave my eyes, I had never been in this much pain.

"No" I heard Kinnon say over the sound of my heart beating in my ears. My head turned to look at him as his cool grey gaze was on me. Kinnon shrugged the girl off his body walking forward towards me. A sigh of relief left my lips.

"You must stay here with us until you learn to control your wolf, you will be a danger to your friends and family if you leave now" Kinnon explained as he rubbed a worried hand on the back of his neck.

"Thats if she survives the shift" The woman said from behind Kinnon in a voice that was a little too happy for my liking.

My eyebrows furrowed and my lips formed a straight line. "I could die?" I asked as my heart beat increased in my ears to the point I could hardly hear his response.

"Yes you could die" he answered before he reached forward grabbing my hand in his. Electricity sparked within me again.

"How long do I have" I whispered.

"Four days" he replied.

So what do you think of Kinnon?

I spent ages trying to pick his name. My heart was torn between three names Kerwin, Kedrick and Kinnon.

The name Kinnon stole my heart though.

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