Chapter Sixteen- Dance With The Devil

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My body just moved on it's own as I sprinted over to Jax side. It was like my hands moved before my brain had time to process what was happening. Raising them over Jax's chest. I could feel power surging through my veins as my hands glowed white. It was just like when the moon goddess brought me back to life.

As my hands continued to glow, everything around me blurred out of my vision. Sound was bouncing off my ears, I could hear the faint sound of Kinnons mumbling  but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

Sickness and dizziness crept up from my stomach as I held back from vomiting it felt like my body was swaying from side to side. All of a sudden, it felt like my body was ripped back I could feel myself falling as I attempted to open my eyes. What was going on?

I hit the ground with a thud as my eyes flew open. The warm feeling of the sun kissed my skin as the smell of flowers hit my nostrils. Propping myself up on my hands my eyes jolted around scanning the area. I was in a field of red poppies, the sun was setting on the horizon causing the sky to turn pink and orange. It was beautiful. Pulling myself from the ground my attention focused in on the large twisted oak tree that stood alone in the field. It was so out of place.

Sitting under the tree I could see the silhouette of a man and a wolf. Walking forward, my hands dropped to my side as my fingers brushed against the flowers. 

It was Jax sitting under the tree, he was leaning back on his arms as Lowe's head lay rested on his lap.  He looked so at peace as he watched the sunrise, there was a small breeze causing the flowers to sway back and forth. Dropping myself next to him, I pulled my knees to my chest as I wrapped my arms around my knees, resting my head on my arms. We sat in silence, the moment was to perfect to ruin with words. This place was nirvana. 

"Am I dead?" Jax spoke finally breaking me from the dream like state I was in. I shook my head no to answer his question. 

"I don't know but i'm going to do my best to bring you back, I'm going to get us back home" I spoke with such confidence that even I believed my words. I was going to fight whatever this world threw at me. I was bringing us home.

"This place is so beautiful, I have never felt so at peace" Jax said as his hand petted the top of Lowe's head. The wolves eyes fluttered open before closing again, he seemed exhausted. "I'm so tired Ellie, tired of fighting, tired of heartbreak" Jax sighed his face filling with sadness. "This might be my chance to get some rest. To break free from the cycle of misery. Life was so much easier when we were kids " he whispered.

"Kinnon needs you Jax. It will break his heart to lose you" Jax nodded to my words before I continued to speak. "It's not your time to die, you have to fight. If you don't want to fight for yourself, fight for Kinnon and Lenna. Just please don't give up" I turned to face him but he quickly looked away from me, I could see his chest slightly heaving as his lip quivered. 

"I'm scared" He whispered, the voice that came out of his mouth sounded like that of a child. My eyebrows raised at the sudden change in his voice. What happened next had my mouth falling open with shock as  I sat there stunned. Jax started to become small, his body changing from that of a man to a child in almost an instant. Lowe followed suit his body going from a large wolf to a pup. He looked exactly like he did in the photo I had seen of him as a child. Jax eyes started to dart around nervously, as he picked Lowe from the ground cradling him to his body. "Mommy, Mommy where are you?" He cried. 

"I'm here with you" I said softly, as his head shot round to face me. Jax's eyebrows narrowed together his cute tear stained face turning serious. 

"I don't know you and my mommy told me not to speak to strangers" he told me so matter of factually, I couldn't help but giggle. 

"I'm Ellie, Kinnon told me to look after you. He told me I would find a brave soldier if I went looking for you and here you are" his face lit up at my words, his chest puffing out with pride a grin creeping stretching across his face.

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