Chapter Twenty Eight- Army

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Edham was standing before us the area of flowers surrounding him began to wither and die at his feet becoming black and corrupted just like his eyes as they stared into mine.  Time seemed to freeze and my body stayed motionless. I was scared, no I was terrified. 

"Ah your fear is beautiful, more beautiful than any flower in this place" Edham purred as he took one small step forward, I took one step back and that's when Lenna came back into my vision. 

Lenna was trembling her skin had turned chalk white as her knee's threatened to buckle under her.  Ailana had began to cry in her arms as Edham took another step forward. That's when it hit me. I had no time for fear, I had to protect them. 

My body instinctively reached out for Lenna as I pulled her behind me blocking Edham from her sight. I was racing through idea's in my mind, I had to get him away from them but how would I do it? 

"Do you plan to fight me Ellie? I'm strong here this is my world" Edham grinned as shark like teeth spread from underneath his lips. 

Strong in this world, Strong in this world, Strong in this world.

Those words echoed through my mind. 

If he was stronger here, then all I had to do was take him somewhere I could beat him and there was only one option. 

Planting my feet firmly on the ground I steadied myself, I knew what I had to do. Charging forward I tackled Edham to the ground and as we both fell backwards the ground underneath us opened. Streams of light blinded my vision. I could feel myself falling before I hit the ground hard. 

My eyes had been blinded by white spots, I couldn't see but as I sucked in a breathe the familiar smell of pine and bark filled my nostrils. I had done it, I had brought him back to earth with me. Rushing to my feet I rubbed my eyes and as my vision cleared I could see him lying crumpled at my feet struggling to breathe as he gasped for air.

"Ellie?" Kinnon called.

When I turned to look at him he was sitting with his arms wrapped around Aros. That's when I realised that everyone was out here both from Kinnons and Aros pack and they where all looking my way. They all looked stunned at the fact I had just appeared from nowhere.

"Kinno...." I opened my mouth to talk before I felt a hand grip around my throat as my feet lifted from the ground. 

My hands grasped at my throat as oxygen left my lungs.  My eyes flew from Kinnon to my attacker. Edham cold arm gripped at my throat  as his snake like tongue liked his lips. 

"Silly girl" he whispered, his grip tightening around my throat before he swung his arm back launching me into the air as I collided with a wooden fence smashing it into pieces.

"How...." I said as my lungs gasped for much needed air. 

"ELLIE!" Kinnon shouted as he began to run over to me. When he reached me he pulled me into his arms. I felt like crying when he touched me, I was trying my best to be strong.

"How you ask? You can ask my conduit" Edham smirked as a could of black smoke appeared by his side.

When the smoke cleared, Kelly was standing by his side. Edham reached out grabbing her face in his hands as his long sharp nails cut at her cheeks she winced with pain. 

"This girl, so desperate for the love of that man" he raised his free hand pointing it directly at Kinnon. " She called me to earth with a deal I couldn't resit, I would give her him and she would give me you, the only wolf who stands in my way from taking over. The gatekeeper Ellie. It was a perfect plan, use the brother as a pawn and promise him that if he could kill you, that I would save his wife... we both know how that turned out. Where is your wife Aros?" Edham cackled.

My eyes shot to Aros as he hung his head in shame, he only looked up for a second as his eyes full of tears stared into mine. 

"I'" Aros voice cracked as he spoke. 

I couldn't say anything back. I was in shock. 

"This was the perfect plan, that was until these useless cretins failed" Edham growled as his nail pierced through Kelly's cheeks. A scream left her mouth before Edham threw her to the ground licking the blood from his hands he stomped on her chest. "That's when I remembered that old saying, if you want something down do it for yourself. The only issue is I couldn't get to here...that was until you dragged me here Ellie. You brought me to this world" Edham let out a devious laugh. 

My body had turned cold as my mind struggled to accept the reality of what was happening.

I had brought him here and given him exactly what he wanted. He was going to kill me and then everyone else and there was nothing I could do to stop him. My grip on Kinnon tightened as I began to tremble with an impending feeling of doom looming over me. What had I done?

"Now it's time, time for me to bring my beautiful children to their new home" Edham's blood stained black mouth leered. 

I could only watch him as he extended a hand that slashed forward cutting a hole in what looked like time and space as I stared into nothingness.  That's when I heard it the blood curdling broken howl of a demented wolf. It stepped out of the darkness bloody and broken with eyes that screamed with pain and thirsty for blood. 

One became two and then soon after he had an army.

Hello All!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for slow uploads my dog got put down and then I got robbed. So not been having the best of luck.

I really want to try finish, so im hoping to get it done by this week.

Hope you enjoyed!

Peace out, my loves xo

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