Chapter Nineteen- The Meeting Pt.1

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The gates to Aros land where 10ft high and barbed wire was perched on top, it looked more like the entrance to a prison than to a pack land. Pressing the buzzer it started to ring as I waited patiently for someone to answer.  

"Hello, how can I help?"

"I'm here to see Aros"

"Ah, Ellie. He has been awaiting you. Please come in and welcome" The woman at the other end of the intercom said, her words where friendly but her voice was hollow. "I will have someone come collect you"

It took two minutes and fourteen seconds for the gates to open. I stood still, not moving. My eyes focused on the entrance line. Once I took this step I was in the enemies land, alone. I would have been insane if I never had any doubt in my mind for all I knew this could be a trap and I could be walking right into their evil hands. 


My eyes snapped up from the ground as they fell onto a perky blonde who's smile was far to welcoming for the situation I was in. Returning her warm gaze with a half smile, I sucked in a deep breathe placing one foot over the metal line and then the other. I extended my hand for the girl to take but she never moved. She just stood there the same smile plastered over her lips before she spoke "Follow me" her voice was also flat and hollow just like the woman before.


There was silence between us as we walked, she never spoke and neither did i. I was too busy listing to the sound of the gates closing. Two minutes and fourteen seconds later the sound of metal hitting against metal caused my heart to race. Looking back at the closed gates, I said one last goodbye to Kinnon before turning my face forward and looking onto the long empty path ahead. 

We walked for 10 minutes before we reached the main centre of the pack, I had to admit it was beautiful. All of the houses where extremely nice with big beautiful show gardens. It reminded me of the time I went to view a house and the entire street was for show to pull people in. It looked almost to perfect and for how many houses there was, I seen very few people. The people who I did see never dares to look at me, there eyes focused into nothing. The people looked like empty shells, just like the houses. Something wasn't right. 

"Were here"

I had been so busy looking around, I never even seen the big mansion that was in the middle of everything. It must have been easy 10 bedrooms plus the rest. The blond girl walked to the front doors opening it she motioned for me to walk in. I did as she asked, walking inside the massive house. The first thing that caught my attention was the massive staircase that stood alone in the middle of the hall. The carpets where red and trailed down the stairs. "Up those stairs, first room on the right" 

Up those stairs first room on the right got it. I turned to say thank you to the girl but she was closing the door behind her just as my mouth opened to speak.

Quickly closing my gaping mouth, I started my journey up the staircase. It took me what felt like forever to reach the top, if this was old me my thighs and calves would have been burning by this time. Turning to my right, I was faced with two old oak doors, the handles where giant gold door knockers with crows engraved in the artwork. Knocking hard on the door there was no response. 

Go in Ailith spoke.

Nodding my head, I grabbed one of the handles. My heart felt like it was in my throat. Pulling the handle with force I caused the door to swing open. I walked in with all the confidence in the world even though my heart was beating 100mph. Giving the room a quick once over glance, I quickly realised no one was there. I was standing in the middle of a private office.

I guess he would make me wait.

Making my way over to a red velvet chair I threw myself down, my eyes scanning the room. I started to notice a common theme. The room was full of crow statues and ornaments. 


I had been sitting there for nearly thirty minutes and my patience had started to run thin. Who did he think he was making me wait this long for his arrival? Like he was some prince who I would wait for. Irritation flooded my mind replacing any feeling of nervous. 

I would wait another five minutes before the door began to slowly creek open. I had been sitting directly in front of the door waiting for the moment and here it was.

Aros was standing in front of me a smirk plastered across his face.

"Ellie" he extended his hand out to me and I did the same for him. When my hand was in his he attempted to bring it to his lips before I snatched my hand away a scowl forming on my brows. Aros turned his back to me walking over to his drink cabinet he poured himself a drink.

"I would say take a seat but I see you have already made yourself at home"

"Well I did have a 35 minute wait" I spat back. 

"Oh sorry Princess, I do have a pack to run. Anyway would you like a drink? Vodka, whiskey, wine?" 

"Listen Aros, cut the shit. Why did you want me here?"

"Oh so direct, not a girl who likes to take her time I see. Well you will have to wait because I have someone I would like you to meet before we talk" He smiled. My eyebrow raised in questioning as I watched his eyes lazily make their way over to the door my gaze following his. 

"Come in" as soon as the words left his mouth, the doors slowly began to open as a large muscular man walked through the door. As soon as his eyes meet mine a wicked smile spread across his face .

" Kane" 

Kane? why was that name so familiar. Kane , Kane , Kane why do I know that name. My mind started working overtime sieving through my memories for the name Kane.

Then it hit me.

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, also chapter two of forbidden is out! please give it a read.

We love a cliff hanger, don't we?

So do any of you know who Kane is? Any thoughts?

Also what about Aros pack? 

Peace out my loves xo

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