Chapter Nine- Family

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"I want to see my dad" Jax eyes slowly made their way to mine as he looked up from his bowl of cereal. Milk was dripping down the side of his mouth a smile spread across my face at the sight. "You have just wake up from a one day nap and your already barking orders" he smirked before returning his focus back to his cereal. I rolled my eyes. Today was the day of the change, the day I lived or died so I was going to see my father today no matter what. 

"Jax please, I need to see him. This might be my last chance"  The words that left my lips caused goosebumps to shoot across my skin. The feeling left me cold and hollow my arms instinctively wrapped around my chest to console my pain. Jax let out a soft sigh as he stood up from his seat making his way over to my side he wrapped his large arms around me. Tears threatened to leave my eyes as a lump stuck in my throat.

"You will be okay, I know you can beat this" Jax whispered as his hand began to stroke my hair. The lies that he spoke soothed me, I knew neither of us had an idea if I would survive the full moon. There was only a small chance of survival.

On the first day I arrived Kinnon spoke me through the change. He told me my body would go through a pain like no other. My bones would break and bend as my body shifted from human to wolf. The pain didn't scare me, losing my life didn't scare me either. What scared me the most was leaving my father behind, it would kill him. I was all he had left. 

"We will go and ask Kinnon, so be brave little wolf" Jax mumbled into my hair as he pulled back from the hug he took my hand in his as he walked forward. Jax trailed me through the entire house before we reached an oak door which he began to knock.

"Come in" A voice from inside the room called as Jax opened the door. The smell of Kinnon filled my nostrils and instantly my body relaxed. The moment we walked into the room, Kinnon's silver eyes stared straight into mine his gaze never faltered even when Jax spoke. "Can I take her to see her father?"

"I will take her" was Kinnon short response as he stood up grabbing his jacket. Jax's face twisted with confusion as he watched him gather his stuff.

"What am I meant to do about Kelly? you know she will ask me 100 questions?" Jax huffed as he threw his hands up in the air with frustration. Clearly this wasn't the first time Kinnon had left him with the evil she witch. 

"Tell her 100 lies, as my beta I expect you to protect your Alpha's secrets " a smirk spread across Kinnon's face as a scowl formed on Jax brow. 

"Very mature play the Beta card" A laugh left Kinnon's lips at his reply. Tingles shot across my body. It was the first time I had heard him laugh. The sound was deep and rich. God I think it was the first time I had ever seen him smile. Naturally a smile started to spread across my lips as I watched the two, they acted like brothers. It was refreshing, it took my mind of my fears.

"Lets go" Kinnon smiled as he grabbed my hand entwining our fingers together as we walked out of the house. Sparks ignited from the area he touched.  We walked for five minutes in silence, enjoying the short time we had together. When we reached the car Kinnon pulled his hand from mine, a frown instantly hit my face. Kinnon watched as my expression fell and a grin spread across his lips .

 "Well I cant hold your hand while i'm driving can I?" A blush spread across my cheeks, it felt like the pink colour went from ear to ear. A smirk replaced my frown as I raised my hand playfully attempting to slap him. Kinnon caught my hand just before it made contact. My breathe caught in my throat as he raised the hand he caught to his lips placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand. 

My body melted with his touch..."Ouch! You bit me!" a laugh left Kinnon's lips as I ripped my hand back eyeing the freshly made teeth marks. The monster hand nipped my skin with his teeth ruining the moment. A cheeky smile played on his lips as a pout hit mine. "What is it with this pack? Always biting people. Do you have no manners? Did your parents not teach you biting was rude. God you would think you where..."

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