Chapter Fourteen- Fate

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"I thought I lost you" Kinnon mumbled into my neck, electricity sparking within me from his touch, the spark felt stronger than before. Ailith was in my mind purring with excitement, she was itching to get out. I could feel her attempting to push out my skin. I fought against her, desperate to just enjoy this small embrace after everything I had been through, I needed a hug. There was a peaceful silence between us before Kinnon spoke.

"Fuck, what have I done" Kinnon threw himself back from my arms pulling himself from the ground. His head shooting from side to side. His eyes filling with sadness as they examined the path of destruction from his wrath. Kinnon became rigid, his breathing faster than before. I could feel the regret and stress pouring out of him, his eyebrows knitting together as his face turned stone cold and serious. "Any fit member of the pack, help the injured back to the pack house. Healers prepare for the wounded" his voice bellowed into my mind. Members of the pack instantly began to move at his commanded as they helped the injured. The young helping the old and vise versa.

"Kinnon...." a gasp left my lips when I looked over too jax, his chest had been ripped to pieces. His throat had been missed by an inch as blood poured from the wounds. Jax looked as white as a ghost as his chest rose and fell weakly, there was a rasping sound coming from his throat as he struggled to breathe. My arms wrapped around myself as I watched him, It reminded me of what had happened just two hours before hand. The memory of dying would haunt me forever. 

Kinnon was next to him within a split second, kneeling down he picked him up so careful like you would with a new born. "Kinnon.." Jax repeated for a second time. Worry was all over Kinnons face as started his walk to the pack house as I began to follow.

"You need to stop talking Jax, you need to save your energy...I'm so sorry I did this to you my brother. " Kinnon scolded, his head pointing straight forward. He couldn't even look at Jax without a lump catching in his throat.

"Pussy, I seen you cry" Jax mused barley above a whisper as laughter attempted to leave his throat. The little bit of movement caused blood to spill from his chest.

"Jax please enough, don't talk" Kinnon reprimanded a second time, the strides he took becoming bigger and bigger as he picked up the pace.

"You know I loved her Kinnon, even though she wasn't my mate. I loved her more than anyone" Kinnons eyebrows drew together as he frowned at Jaxs words. "Remember, when we where kids, we all made that promise to stay together and stand by each other sides. All four of us did. What happened to that?" Jax voice turned bitter as he continued to speak as he lazily forced his eyes open.

"It was the promise of children, now Jax sleep that's an order" Kinnon commanded. Jax without a single word of contest rested his eyes as he drifted of to sleep. The sound of his breathing had become even worse as he wheezed desperate for a breathe it was just like how I was before. Shivers crept up my spine as goosebumps made there way onto my skin. "We need to hurry, he's dying. Can you run?" Kinnon turned to face me as I nodded yes in return to his question.

Without another word, Kinnon started running. I started off a few seconds later but I easily caught up to him. In fact I might have even been faster than he was. We ran for 10 minutes straight without stopping until we reached the pack house. Now usually I would have died 2 minutes into the running from either lack of air or a stitch but right now I felt strong. Taking in a deep breathe my nostrils started to burn, the smell was so powerful my eyes stung with tears. "What is that smell?" I said as I pulled my t-shirt to cover my nose. 

"Nail polish, It hinders our senses due to the smell" Kinnon said through gritted teeth. "We can't go into the house, we will need to make our way to Jax's house. Follow me" he continued as he started marching forward. I had been so engrossed in Jax, I hadn't even noticed the tiny old withered lady who was walking by our side. It was only when we got to his house did I notice her. The old lady looked like a witch straight from a child's book. Grey thin hair lay messily on top of her head, as her witches nose was the most prominent feature of her face. The massive bag she was carrying was almost as big as her body. 

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