Chapter Twenty Nine- Lamb & Wolf

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Everything around me froze, it was like everyone had turned to statues.  There was no wind, no birds singing in the trees. The world was completely silent as a quiet hum filled my ears. My eyes made their was over to Edham who was the only person moving as he swayed back and forth gently humming to himself. When his eyes met mine, the world around me turned dark and it felt like my soul was pulled from my body....

"Welcome to my world" He whispered.

My body hit the ground with a thud as coldness swept over me, my eyes scanned the area around me. This place was empty and hollow there was no signs of life, all the flowers had withered and the trees looked like they had all died along time ago. There was a land of death that sent shivers up my spine.

"Beautiful isn't it? This is what your world will become" Edham mused as he materialised from the ground in front of me.  i instinctively moved back the closer he got my eyes never leaving his as his snake tongue licked slowly around his lips.

"I will kill everyone you love" he whispered as he faded into darkness the sound of his voice had came from behind me. I swivelled round to see where he was and the sight that way laid out before me caused me to feel sick to my stomach.

It was a pile of bodies, with hollow dead eyes staring straight at me. I had to hold back the vomit in my throat as my eyes filled with tears. Kinnon, my dad, sophie, jax and anyone I ever cared about lay there lifeless in a pile of dirt and blood. 

"This is your future"

Edham spoke as he reappeared sitting on the bodies of my dead loves ones, his feet swinging and kicking at them. Reaching down he grabbed Kinnon's face parting his lips with his fingers 

"Why couldn't you save me?" he mocked as his nails ripped at Kinnon's flesh. 

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!

I couldn't stop the laughter that started leaving my lips after he spoke. Something inside me had snapped. The twisted grin that spread across my face made Edham's eyes widen.

Edham thought I would be the lamb to the slaughter but I was a wolf in sheep clothing.

All the rage, anger and hurt I felt came boiling to the surface as fire ignited in my veins, I had never felt more alive as my body dropped to the ground. I was changing, shifting between human and wolf. I could feel Ailith trying to rip through my skin. It was like I was being driven to the point of madness.

"I will never let you touch them...YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH THEM"

I Snarled between rugged breathes as claws extended from my fingers and fangs replaced my normal set of teeth. I was between half shift as I lunged forward my sights set on Edhams throat. 

Just as I was about to grab him, he disappeared causing me to tumble to the ground. My eyes had been blinded by rage as my nostrils sucked in air as I attempted sniffing out his scent. I had been so wrapped up in the hunt I hadn't even noticed that I had returned back to my own world.

"Ellie!" I heard Kinnon calling my name yet I couldn't bring myself to focus on his voice. I had my mind, eyes and heart set on one person and one person alone. Edham!

"Whats wrong you are you okay?!?! Ellie can you hear me whats going on?"

Sucking in a deep breath through my nostrils, I picked up the scent of death it was Edham. Goosebumps broke over my body as deep rugged breathes left my chest. I could taste the kill, feel it in my body and it felt like madness. Taking one purposeful step forward a hand wrapped around mine causing me to still. 

Comfort, warmth and the feeling of home washed over me like a tidal wave as strong arms pulled me into a tight embrace. Again it felt like time stood still as Kinnon sucked in a deep breathe his arms tightening around me as if to anchor me to him.

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