Chapter Twenty Seven- Life & Death

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(Please give the song a listen, it's a chapter booster)

"This can't be happening! Lenna open your eyes. Please dont leave me!" 

Aros cried as he lifted Lenna's lifeless body to him. My heart ached with pain watching them, my mind in disbelief that she was really gone. How could fate be so cruel?

"Aros, you need to let me see her" 

The healer spoke as she gently rocked the crying baby in her arms. Looking over to me she stood from where she was seated as she held out the baby for me to take. 

Gingerly taking the new life into my arms I looked down at the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The baby was a little girl, who had bright green eyes that looked exactly liker her mothers. I couldn't help the tears that rolled from my eyes. 

"Aros you need to let her go"

The healer edged closer to Aros as has body became rigid and his grip tightened on Lenna. A low rumbling growl emitted from his throat, it was the growl of his wolf. I could hear the sorrow and the possessiveness in the sound. He didn't want anyone to touch her.

"You will not touch her" Aros glared.

"Aros, you need to let her work on her. Time is running out" Kinnon spoke up from beside me, I could see the tears running from his eyes as he struggles to keep his voice from breaking. 

"Kinnon she is gone, I lost her everything that I have done up until the point was useless. NOTHING I DID COULD SAVE HER FROM THIS FATE" Aros cried looking up from Lenna for the first time. 

As both men locked eyes, no further words where spoke between them. The room was silent as Aros gently laid Lenna's body down as he stood from the bed. He took four steps forward allowing the healer access before he dropped to his knees. Overwhelmed by his emotions he began to cry, the sounds was like nothing I had ever heard before it was like pure anguish and pain. 

Kinnon was by his side in a second as he wrapped his arms around the broken man. At this moment they both needed the comfort from each other not as enemies but as the friends they once were. They were two heartbroken people who had lost someone they deeply loved nothing else mattered in that moment. 

"Take the baby out of here" Kinnon spoke into my mind as I nodded. 

Taking a careful step back, I headed towards the door. Pulling the door open I stepped into the hall as I closed it behind me. The weight of the reality hit me as soon as I was out of the room as I cradled the sweet little girl in my arms.  

Lenna was really dead.

I couldn't let this happen. I had to go see her and bring her back. I had to go to The Den. I have to use my powers. 

"Alith I need you to take me there"

"The power is within you, you need to focus. Pull the image of her into your mind and feel the power surging through your body. You have the strength needed to take you there. You can do this" Ailith growled. 

Doing exactly as she said, I thought of the first time I met Lenna and how she has a bright smile her face as she welcomed me with a warm loving embrace. The temperature in the room began to get colder as these memories flooded into my mind. Pulling Lenna's daughter closer to me I shielded her from the cold.

I could feel it the power Ailith spoke about, it ignited in my veins as my hair began to rise from my shoulder and a light white glow emitted from my body. This feeling was the same as when I brought Jax back but this time it was more controlled. I knew I could make it to her. 

Closing my eyes shut. I took a deep breathe in.

"Take me to her" I spoke. 

The next moment when I opened my eyes I was standing in a field of flowers. The flowers went as far as the eyes could see. There was flowers of every kind and colour that were being illuminated by the low rising orange and pink sky. It was a truly beautiful sight. 

There was only one thing that looked out of place. A massive Sakura tree with pink blossom stood in the middle of the field swaying in the breeze. I knew I would find Lenna there. Looking down in my arms, Lenna's daughter had fallen asleep peacefully. Seeing her face made me all the more determined. 

"Time to meet your mother" I whispered before starting the long walk through the flowers. It took me 15 minutes before I reached the shade of the tree. 

"Your late" I heard a familiar voice speak as Lenna emerged from behind the trunk of the tree. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing the moment I laid my eyes on her. She looked even more beautiful than before as a smile stretched on her face from ear to ear. 

"I brought someone to see you" I smiled through the tears as I walked towards her my arms out stretched.

I watched the amazing moment as she took her daughter into her arms for the first time. Tears immediately began pouring from Lenna's eyes as she cradled her daughter to her chest. 

"She's more beautiful than I could ever imagine, I didn't think I could ever bring something so precious into this world. Welcome to the world Ailana Marissa Hunter" 

"Ailana? is that her name" Lenna nodded yes in response to my question before speaking. 

"The name means light bearer and just from looking at her I can tell she will bring a light to everyone's life she will touch"

Lenna paused before kissing her gently on the head before her eyes made there way to mine. A serious look was placed on her face. 

"I will need you to take good care of her and protect her like a mother would. She is now your daughter too"

The smile on my face instantly faded. What was she talking about?

"No, don't talk like that i'm here to bring you back" reaching my hand out to Lenna she took a step back away from me shaking her head as thick tears dropped from her eyes. 

"You can't take me back. It was my time to go, it was always meant to be like this no matter how much Aros tried to stop it" 

My mind swirled with confusion as she spoke. Aros tried to stop Lenna from dying? How did he know this?

"Ellie, not everything is as it seems. I know in your eyes Aros is a cruel man and the things he has done can't be excused but everything he done was for a reason. I just want you to look at him with an open mind and an open heart. His heart is full of love. Please when you go back you must talk with him" 

"I'm not going back without you" I cried. 

Looking down at her daughter, two pair of bright green eyes stared back at each other before Lenna leaned down placing another kiss on her daughters head.  Taking in a deep breathe she gathered her composure as Lenna stretched her arms out to me for me to take Ailana. Placing her gentle in my arms she took another couple of steps back before speaking. 

"No you must, this was my fate I can't go with you. Please tell Aros how much I loved him and let Ailana know her mother will always be watching her and that I love her from the bottom of my heart" Lenna cried as her arms cradled around her as if she was holding herself up. 

"Lenna of course I wi......"

"Well isn't this a beautiful reunion" A deep dark evil voice spoke from beside me. Shivers instantly ran down my spine  as goosbumps spread across my body. Fear swept over me, there was only one person that voice could belong too. 


Hello All,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Majesty. I'm sorry the update was slow. I had a lot going on in my personal life. I'm glad I took the time to sit down and write.

Anyway hopefully this chapter was worth the wait. 

Peace out my loves xo

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