Chapter Seventeen- The Letter

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Dizziness and confusion plagues my mind as my eyes flew open. I was staring straight ahead into nothingness, white light clouded my vision and all I could feel was the sensation of blood spilling from my nose. "Ellie!" A mans voice called out my name as a hand reached for mine grabbing onto it with such force it was like it was trying to anchor me down.

My heart was racing at 100 mph as I snatched my hand back fear and panic eating away at me. Protect yourself! was all i could think as my body switched over to a vicious version of auto pilot. Shifting between human and wolf I lunged from where I lay knocking the man to the floor as my canines sunk deep into his throat the taste of iron filling my mouth. The man let out a cry of pain before two strong arms wrapped around me pulling me tight to a firm muscular chest.

"It's okay, you don't have to be scared i'm here for you" the voice spoke Those words where like a spell, the magic worked instantly as I began to relax a feeling of sparks igniting my skin. My teeth retraced back to those of a human as I used my hands to push myself up. I was face to face with Kinnon. The thudding of my heart in my ears seemed to increase as beautiful grey eyes stared into mine.

Pulling his arm from behind me he gently placed it on the back of my neck pulling my face down until our lips where hovering inches from each other. "I have so many questions to ask you but I promised myself that if I was to get you back I wouldn't waste another second before kissing you" Kinnon whispered as our lips finally connected. Fire ignited in my core with just this simple kiss, I could feel myself melting with passion. The feeling of Kinnons tongue tracing my lips as he began to nibble on my bottom lip, I couldn't help but let out a moan.

"Don't make that noise or I will take you right now" The growl that left Kinnons throat after he spoke caused me to shiver. I wanted him to take me. Pushing my lips harder into his my tongue slipped into his mouth . I could feel his hands tracing down my waist as the made their way to my ass his grip tightening. Pleasure like I have never felt erupted within my body as another moan escaped.

"Uhhhh, not to make you guys feel uncomfortable but hi, i'm still here" Jax's voice sounded from behind me causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I could feel my cheeks burning red as I quickly scrambled off Kinnon turning my full attention to Jax who had a smirk spread across his face. "Well that's an interesting love bite" he mused pointing to Kinnons blood soaked neck. "You do seem like the wild type" he laughed.

I wish the floor could have ate me in that moment. "Last time I save you, brat!" I shirked. As laughter filled the room. Standing up I turned my back to both the men I had just embarrassed myself in front off. As I was about to walk forward a hand reached for mine, turning my head back Jax was staring deeply into my eyes. The look on his face was so serious. I could tell he had many question to ask. Sucking in a deep breathe I waited for him to speak, I was unsure of what to say. I had no idea what happened or where we went. All I knew was that I had a power. Power that I was going to use to get Kinnons sister back.

There was silence between us for a few seconds before his face softened. "Thank you for saving me" was all he said. I nodded to his words as he gently let go of my arm. Making my way out of the house, I headed over to the pack house and headed straight up to my room. There was still traces of the smell of nail varnish throughout the house. How many days had it been since I turned? It seemed like time had vanished away from me.

A buzzing sound caught my attention, It was my phone. The noise of the vibration seemed so much louder than before it was almost painful to my sensitive ears. Running over to grab it from underneath a pile of clothes. I sat down on the bed pressing the button at the side as the screen lit up. It was Tuesday. Five days had passed since my change. How long had we been in the other world? we had only been there at max a day. Did time work differently over there? Shaking the thoughts from my head I scrolled threw the notifications. 13 missed calls from my Dad and 20 from Soph. 11 texts from my Dad, 30 texts from Sophie. 1 text unknown number. Shivers crept up my spine as I clicked on the message.

Hello Princess, Kelly told me she seen a ghost?

I want to see this ghost for myself. The thought makes me excited.

Also I visited your concerned father the other day he was oh so worried about his precious little daughter. I put his mind at ease for you, don't worry.

Meet me, My love.

Love Aros.

The text read. Sweat began to form on my brow as my heart felt like it was in my throat. Without another thought I smashed my dads name into the dial pad. Clicking his name as soon as it came up. The sound of it ringing was like torture, I counted every ring.

1,2,3,4,5 ....

"Hello Miss. Party Animal" My Dads soft voice said from the other side of the phone. Tears welled up in my eyes from hearing his voice.

"Your okay" I whispered.

"Why wouldn't I be? have you been having secret conversation with the grim reaper about me? Has he told you that I will go out in style. Whiskey in one hand cigar in another surrounded by pretty ladies. Ohhh that's the dream. Anyway Aros told me that you had been...." my father continued.

The conversation went on for almost half an hour as my father told me all about how Aros came to visit when my father called him worried about me. Aros had told him that I was out partying living the life of a young adult and that I was safe with Kinnon. My father also told me that he knew I was a smart girl so he knew he had nothing to worry about and that he had also let Sophie know I was safe.

"Oh he also told me he left a card on your hotel pillow with some details for university, it was something to do with a teacher passed it over to him when he went to visit for me to let them know of your absence. Don't worry Dad covered for you by the way, said you had sickness and diarrhoea" My eyes rolled as he spoke, thanks dad great excuse. Leaning back on the bed my arm hit something on the pillow. An envelope.

"Dad, I have to go. I love you...uh huh see you soon" I smiled as I ended the call. Pulling the envelope in front of me. The writing on the front said For Ellie. Sliding my finger underneath the opening I dragged it across the paper ripping it open. Carefully I pulled out a bit of paper that was neatly folded up a picture fell out from inside the letter when it was opened.

The picture was me, lying in a pool of blood my cold dead eyes staring into nothing.

Throwing it to the ground I then at the letter, there was nothing on it except an address and a signature.

Love Aros x

Anger bubbled up inside me, I jumped up from the bed. My body was shaking with rage. I wanted to kill him and his sister. There was nothing going to stop me from ridding this evil from the earth.

If it is war he wants, it is war he will get.

Hello All!

I'm so sorry for being gone for so long.

Life has been really busy, I know it's not an excuse but there have been a lot of person issues. Now everything is back to normal. I plan to update once a week on a Saturday just like before.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it was worth the wait.

Thank you

Peace out, my loves xo

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