Chapter Twenty Five- The Den

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"The gate keeper?" 

The moon goddess nodded as she reachedn out her pale hand grabbing mine. The moment our skin connected I felt my eyes close as my body was pulled forward it felt like I was travelling at the speed of light.  

"You can open your eyes now" Luna spoke from by my side. Sucking in a deep unsteady breathe I forced my eyes open as my stomache still felt like it was doing backflips. 

Luna had taken us to the place I had first properly met her, the place where the wolves lived before they got gifted to children. It was still as lively at night time as it was in the day. Wolf pups tumbled around fighting and honing in thier skills.  The older wolves huddles together watching the young. It truly was beautiful. 

"This is what you will protect, we call this place The Den. Where wolves are born and where they come to die"

"Where the come to die?"

"Yes, you have been at the edge of this world once before when you found Jax who was in purgatory. If he had truly died his soul would have been brought back to here and he and his wolf would have become one forever.  It is part of your power that you can go to purgatory and pull souls back to the dead if its not thier time"

"This is alot to take in" I mumbled as my knees felt week beneth me like I felt like they would collaspe at any minute. 

I was the gatekeeper the protector of the den queen of wolves? How could this have happened before I was just ordinary Ellie who was a simple human. My head couldn't wrap around her words. 

"I know my child, I'm sorry I have had to push this onto you so fast but you and the other children are in danger" Luna's eyes looked up from the ground as she stared straight into mine the look of fear in her eyes terrified me. 

"Edham has managed to get into your world someone has summoned him to the earth and he is using the wolves like pawns. Each and every one of them play into his hands. He will be the death of all of you. Edham will kill eveyone one by one until he has an army...An army strong enough to destroy this world and to kill me and he wont stop with this world no human or beast is safe." 

Shivers crept up my spine as my skin began to crawl. Edham was in our world. The man who came from the stuff of nightmares. I didn't know much about him but from what I did know was that he was pure evil. Everyone I knew was in danger from Kinnon to my father, no one was safe. 

"How do I stop him?"

"You have to....."


The noises started in my head as hands shot up to my ears to cover them from the pain of the loud banging noises that intruded my mind. 



I could hear a voice call out my name as my vision began to blur. I could barley see the moon godess as she faded from my sight. I reached out for her desperate to hear the rest of her words. I needed to know how to stop him. I needed her to tell me I was strong enough to do it, that I could protect the people I love. I was scared. 

My eyes flew open as Kinnon eyes stared deep into mine. The thudding noise was coming from the front of the house. The smell of Aros and another filled my nostrils as my body tensed. 

Kinnon was up before I could say anything running towards the front door. I quickly followed behind him though my heart  thudding in my chest. I wasn't ready to fight not after eveything I had heard. 

When he got to the door he grabbed the handle pulling it towards him with such force it smashed into the wall causing the whole house to rattle. Every muscle in his body was tight but the moment he seen the familiar face at the door every feature of him softened.

 It was Lenna, standing with her arms out as her brother reached for her pulling her into a loving embrace. The bump of her belly filling the space between them. 

"What are you doing here?" Kinnon mumbeled into her hair.

Lenna never answered Kinnons question, shoving him back she locked eyes onto mine. It caught me off guard and I couldn't hide my shocked expression as her eyes filled with big tears that ran down her face.

"Why did you challenge him?" 

Kinnons neck nearly snapped as he threw his head round to look at me. His eyes full of question and pain.

 A challenge meant that only one of us would come out alive, he and I both knew that. I had been waiting for a chance to tell him, I didn't want him finding out like this. 


I really coulnd't think of any words to tell the two siblings who stood infront of me with such pain in thier eyes. What was I meant to say? Lenna your mate is a monster who I need to kill or Kinnon im sorry for going behind your back and doing this, im the gatekeeper queen of wolves and it's my job to save you all.

 Neither sounded correct or enough to answer and ease the pain.


The roar of a voice pulled both the eyes from me as my head swung round to follow the source. It was Aros he was standing with his full pack behind him as his chest heathed with anger. The look of blood lust in his eyes gave me goosebumps. 


Lenna began but before she could even finish her scetence Kinnon leaped forward running straight for Aros.

When the two men collided they had already changed form into thier beast as they began to rip each other apart. Others from the pack had start to wake at this point as Kinnons voice screamed into our mind.

GET UP AND FIGHT he roared as the sleepy pack came to life. 

Hello All,

Sorry for not upating in awhile. Had alot going on in life and writers block.

Hopefully this chapter makes up for it.

Kinnon and Aros finally face to face what is going to happen. 

Peace out my loves xo

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